Sunday 16 May 2021

"The Probability that We May Fail in the Struggle ought not to deter us from the Support of a Cause we believe to be Just."

-Abraham Lincoln.

When you undertake a task, no-one wants to think what will happen if you aren’t able to complete your goal. Sometimes you might have to evaluate its worth once it has been accomplished. And sometimes you must recognise that your desired outcome might not be achievable. But if you believe that undertaking the task is the right thing to do and that you’re not being manipulated by someone for their own gain, then you need to work out what you can do to help and what can stop you. It’s the ultimate do or die moment. You need to figure out if there’s anything that you can do to increase the chances of success, whether it’d involving more people, tackling a particular obstacle or discovering what your deterrents are. But if you can’t overcome your problems then there’s no other method than to just go ahead and attempt it. You never know, you might get lucky. 

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