Monday 31 May 2021

Clock Shop

The first thing that I decided to try was to buy a new battery. It wasn’t a regular battery; it was about half the length of an AA battery but slightly thicker. I set the time and things ticked on but when I glanced at the clock the following day it had still fell behind. I removed the clock from the wall and this time I spotted that the hour hand was loose and would only point downwards. As this clock had sentimental value to our family, I decided to try a clock shop to see if it could be fixed and found one in a neighbouring village. As it was close to the Christmas season, the staff recommended that I try again after the holiday period when their suppliers were back open so that the clock could be repaired in a timely manner and that it wouldn’t get mislaid. I left with a quote and a resolution to return the following year. 

Sunday 30 May 2021

Don't be Alarmed

There’s a sense of urgency in the air but you need to remain calm and keep a clear head despite how sleep-deprived and annoyed you may be at this intrusion. If you’re lucky, he may already be there waiting for you which means that he’s done half the work; or at least it’s safe to assume that. It is his job after all. He’s someone that you hate to see but at the same time you’re relieved that he’s here so that you can get on with completing the task. His shiny white van with its amber lights pierce the night sky while you can hear the conversation with the control room within. At least he’s always happy to see you; as without you he’d have a lot longer wait on his hands. And when it’s all over, you can both hopefully get back to what you were doing before.

Saturday 29 May 2021

Time Stops Still

We have a small wall clock in our hallway that everyone is very fond of. It’s similar to what you’d expect to find on a bridge. It’s got a gold edging and it’s mounted on a piece of mahogany accompanied by a barometer of similar design. Everyone likes to tap the barometer as they pass in the hope that it’ll change to better weather. And of course, every equinox when the clocks change someone must take it down to change the time. It’s usually me. The clock’s mounted on a pair of screws but we’ve added blue tac to the back of it over time to help keep it fixed. One day, (probably a day or so after I’d changed the time) I heard a massive bang. I investigated and found the clock was on the floor. I hung it back up again and thought nothing more to it until it stopped working.


Friday 28 May 2021

The Number Games

I fell out with this game as soon as it started. As I was playing solo, I was invited to compete with other NCP characters rather than compete in a live leader board. Then I had to choose a character rather than be myself. I had absolutely no idea who I chose in the end. There’s a total of nine events but I just went with the first one. I had no idea how it worked and it wasn’t explained to me. I had to answer a series of times tables questions as soon as they were heard. My total time was 38 seconds but I did get one of the questions wrong. As I finished, I was told that I had to wait for my fellow competitors to finish which would at least imply that I beat somebody. However, their times were all quicker than mine so I’ve no idea what I was waiting for. Also, my incorrect answer wasn’t recognised for some reason so I wouldn’t recommend this game for either its educational or entertainment values. It’s definitely a thumbs down.

Thursday 27 May 2021

Wellesbourne Woes

There’s a new kid on the block which is quite fun to visit. It’s a bit of a novelty to visit and you only get to go if you’re in the know. Rather than driving into the site, you drive past it into a distribution park situated behind an airfield. After driving under a huge metallic arch, you turn a corner and a bored security guard opens the barrier for you. I guess he either looks for a uniform or reads what’s on the van. After that you wait in a special lane to be admitted into the rear of the site, but first you have to attract the attention of the staff inside by ringing the bell or giving them a call if no-one’s swiftly available. After that there’s a strict exit through another set of gates to comply with the area’s one-way system. I’d love to know if any businesses at the distribution park use the airfield, but at a guess I think it’s a bit of a coincidence rather than a purpose-built location.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Saving it for Later

There’s a bottle of beer that’s been sitting in my shed for quite a while. It’s a special vintage anniversary brew which I’ve been saving for a special occasion. That occasion has never quite passed, but time goes on and the beer has aged. It’s now a few years past the best before date; though I’m told that a few years is nothing to worry about and sometimes it even makes the brew extra special and valuable. I’ve read articles of journalists being presented with such gifts in honour of their visit or to commemorate it by cracking such a bottle open. In this case, it’s a bit hit and miss as to whether there’s a beautiful brew or a sour surprise inside. It mostly depends on how the bottle’s been stored and what type of glass is used. In my case, the label’s now dissolved as it’s been slowly exposed to outside elements so to the outsider it’s lost its mint appeal and it’s a bit of a mystery brew. Have I missed the boat?

Tuesday 25 May 2021

The Wrong Appeal

You need help, but how you get it is down to you. You might not know this, but there’s a right way and a wrong way and how you apply to people for assistance is important. It also depends on who you’re asking too. Some might not want to hear the whole story but just what you are after. It’s only if they can think that they can help that they’ll consider why. It’s in these circumstances that you need to be direct and tell them what you are after. Others will happily listen to your story and answer your call by making any suggestions that they can in the sense of community. But it’s interesting that you prioritise receiving information before the police though. It sounds as if the police aren’t doing enough and that you’re all for doing your own investigating. I just hope that there’s not too much mistrust around or that there’s something else that you’re hiding.


Monday 24 May 2021

Strawberry Squabbles #dreamdiary 109

I’m at a fancy banquet. I’m in a large hall where folding tables and plastic chairs have been pushed together to accommodate as many people as possible and the food is supplied by outside caterers who have set up a mobile kitchen. It’s one of those set menus with limited choices and meals that aren’t that filling but it allows the chefs to push food out quickly in large batches. Luckily, our table is the nearest one to the kitchen so we’re one of the first to be served. We’re receiving our desserts while the tables at the other end of the room have begun their entree’s. For my desert I’ve chosen fresh strawberries and it’s an extra pound per person for squirty cream. I take my coins up to the kitchen but they explain that they’re out of cans. I’m told that I can try another table and they suggest that I try this side of the room or I might have a long wait. I pick up a can from the table behind me who warn me that there’s not much left. I give it a good long shake and squirt out just enough.

Sunday 23 May 2021

Which to Choose?

Getting the right item is important. It may not save you money, but it does save you time even if it’s in the form of a great deal of complaining. Because if you get it wrong, you’re just making more work for yourself as you’ll have to take it back. It might even require an extra journey if the item’s needed sooner rather than later. But even though I’ve taken a photograph of the previous product, there’s still room for doubt. The main concern is that if they’ve changed the packaging, it’ll look different and it’ll take a little time to verify that it’s still the right item. And this one seems to change its size, shape and colour every time. There’s always something new and improved, even if it’s a new environmentally friendly label that uses 15% less packaging. But at the end of the day, you can always tell them to sort it out themselves next time if you are in the wrong.


Saturday 22 May 2021

A Peek of Proof #devilsdaughter 19

Lucinda ducked through the door and out of sight, hitting the double doors with her enormous backside and its thudding slam echoed throughout the chamber. An awkward lull followed. The witnesses looked about themselves in amusement as if they were enjoying the drama and anticipating what would happen next. Luke turned to the registrar.

‘Does this sort of thing happen often?’ he asked.

‘No’ replied the cleric with a fearful expression. A few moments passed, during which Luke thought he could he a loud girlish giggle echoing through the room, but he must have been hallucinating. Perhaps he missed the girl too much. Then one of the double doors slowly creaked open and Lucinda backed sideways through the opening, squeezing her enormous mounds through the space. Her dress seemed to have shrunk to the size of a regular tank top. She marched over to the pedestal and dropped a piece of paper onto it. The cleric picked it up and examined it.

‘The service can continue’ he announced.

Friday 21 May 2021

Birthday Princesses

It’s birthday time and because it’s Monday morning and a working day it’s time for a cutesy greeting and a promise of a visit later before moving onto other tasks. The eldest starts enthusiastically but during the second line she starts to be a bit self-conscious and shows her opinion that it does seem slightly ridiculous; especially since the moment that the song is over they need to change into their school clothes (unless by coincidence it was a dress-up day which I doubt). At least she knows that she’s not alone and makes sure of it and the end of the song. The younger one is unsure of what’s going on but she’s trying to join in beautifully by echoing her sister. Luckily, it looks as if it’s something that they want to do rather than be forced into it; even with the whispered prompted script towards the end.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Why has my manager asked me to come in for a 'private meeting' on my day off? She's refusing to say what it is about. Am I getting dismissed? Should I just hand in my notice before I get fired?

I don’t know anything about you. In fact, I know more about your manager than you since you’ve described her as female. Maybe she’s being kinky and she’s got the hots for you and she’s taking advantage of this opportunity. But what does your actual contract say? It does seem odd that she’s refusing to give a reason and that the meeting is private. Most decent employers would give a reason and would also ensure that at least your attendance would be recorded so that you would be paid of compensated for your time. Most companies would also allow another colleague to be present as a witness if you’re uncomfortable or believe it to be necessary. Can you think of any reason for your manager to get rid of you? But never hand in your notice unless you know that you’re the offending party as it’s the perfect excuse for them not to offer any redundancy or severance pay. If you know you’re the offending party, it might be easier to exit as fast as possible. But you never know. It could be that someone else in in for it and that she wants you to be the first in line for a promotion.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Mutinous Michael

May certainly hasn’t got a grasp of what’s going on here. It’s certainly not a place to make an address. But
perhaps it’s a rehearsal in a faraway land. That’s maybe why there’s alcohol involved so that May can experiment with soundbites. Perhaps she hopes that prying ears will succumb to a round of applause if she slurs out the right words in the correct order. You never know what these politicians get up to; especially the backbenchers. They’re quite happy to do your bidding then as you fall, they just look smug as if they’ve been waiting for this to happen the whole time they’ve been serving you. They literally expect someone else to pick up the pieces until they’re officially told that they’re now the one in charge or someone’s finally recognised that they’ve done a terrible job. And don’t forget the spy in the midst who set the trap in the first place.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

The Butterfly Effect

This was a great film with a brilliant concept that explores actions and consequences. There are some great characters; particularly with the suspense between Evan and Tommy for their earlier actions as we don’t learn who is responsible or which events occurred at first. I love the imagery of the butterfly flying around inside the brain in the opening credits; and perhaps the producers could have repeated this move every trip or show Evan to have a major phobia of butterflies. There’s also a great transition between Evan’s adolescent and college years. It is a bit demonic when Evan travels back to alter his future; and perhaps it could have been altered by actions rather than Evan becoming a possessed child reprimanding adults in their ways (though it is a good prompt to put him in the asylum). It’s a shame that the directors didn’t explore crazier worlds or add alternative worlds every time Evan went back and made a change. Perhaps this is something that they explore in their sequels, maybe with a different character. There’s so much more here that could be done.

Monday 17 May 2021

Where's the Standards?

Whenever you take an item off the shelf, all you have to do is to push the remaining items to the left to close the gap. That’s all you have to do. It just makes things look tidier and it also helps the delivery guys as they can see how much space is remaining on that shelf. You don’t even have to move everything that’s there. Often you can take the item at the end and place it in the gap that you’ve made. But does everyone do it? Of course not. They’re just keen to get that customer served so that they can get back to standing around doing nothing. Some just might slide their arm down the shelf and make things worse by pushing items into the adjacent shelf. And some forget to pull stock forward which then gets buried behind other stuff and causes delays when you try to find that stuff later.


Sunday 16 May 2021

"The Probability that We May Fail in the Struggle ought not to deter us from the Support of a Cause we believe to be Just."

-Abraham Lincoln.

When you undertake a task, no-one wants to think what will happen if you aren’t able to complete your goal. Sometimes you might have to evaluate its worth once it has been accomplished. And sometimes you must recognise that your desired outcome might not be achievable. But if you believe that undertaking the task is the right thing to do and that you’re not being manipulated by someone for their own gain, then you need to work out what you can do to help and what can stop you. It’s the ultimate do or die moment. You need to figure out if there’s anything that you can do to increase the chances of success, whether it’d involving more people, tackling a particular obstacle or discovering what your deterrents are. But if you can’t overcome your problems then there’s no other method than to just go ahead and attempt it. You never know, you might get lucky. 

Saturday 15 May 2021


So what does a rat do when it’s indoors? This one decided to make a nest underneath the conveyor belt’s control panel. Maybe it couldn’t find its way out again and managed to survive on the rubbish scattered around the store. At one point it must have gotten desperate and went for the poison inside one of the rat traps. Then it must have rotted away until the stench finally persuaded the management team to call the exterminator to remove it. There must have been opportunities for it to escape at various point throughout the day but perhaps it was asleep or it didn’t want to risk it. It might have even gotten used to its new home. Occasionally I’d find rubbish bags that no-one had taken out the day before that had been gnawed through to get to the good stuff. Either way, the item in the biohazard bag that the exterminator walked out with was a good foot long and looked quite a lump.


Friday 14 May 2021

Cable Guy

I’ve recently noticed that one of my USB cables is looking a bit frayed. The wire’s starting to show a bit through the plastic tubing, and there’s a crack at the end between the plastic coating and the metal connector part. It’s probably not something you’d trust to leave on charge overnight or during the day if you forgot the night before. So I felt that the bin was the best place for it but this left me with just one cable which could make things awkward if I wasn’t organised enough. A second cable would be an excellent idea, and the current one from Amazon that I have is tough and reliable as it’s braided. I’ve ordered a cheaper and colourful one of e-Bay in the past but it’s always touch and go as to whether it works or not, so I decided to buy the Amazon one again. Unfortunately, they were out of stock, but they recommended a brand that I’d never heard of. I placed the order without reading into it much further and now it seems that I have a pack of three! At least I’ll never be short of one.

Thursday 13 May 2021

Rat Traps

I’ve worked out our rat problem. The unit next to ours sells a lot of cheap food which is unceremoniously shoved off trucks onto the ground outside until they’re ready to bring it into the building. A lot of it is unpacked at speed to take onto the shop floor as soon as a space becomes available for it. The odours and mess that remains attract the rats, and because they’re hungry for more they decide to enter the building in front of them. Obviously they can’t tell the difference between the two units so they just look for an easy access point. They’ve managed to dig a tunnel underneath the security shutter and up through the tiles to the other side. Having a bin for snacks placed directly next to this spot didn’t help. We quickly discovered that they acquired a taste for Play-Doh because of its distinctive smell and we had to damage a few sets off and move the rest to safer ground. But the distance that the rats could cover to get to these products was both remarkable and fearless.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Lessons Learned

There’s no such thing as certainty. There’s plenty of things that occur that aren’t written down in a manual. They only come to form after we have witnessed it occurring. Until then, we put out trust in others to perform the agreed tasks. And we realise quite quickly who we can and cannot trust. Sometimes we must observe what others do and let them go first then apply that knowledge to our advantage when it’s our turn. The forgoer may even offer tips to help better your success. This could be in reality or fantasy, though there’s a slimmer chance of success if we imagine the outcomes too often without referencing them to the real world. It’s unfortunate that we often have to discover things the hard way. Hopefully, we’ll remember the outcome for next time. But it’s a shame that these experiences aren’t shared openly and freely for others to follow.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Under Pressure

I’ve often wondered at the purpose of these safety gates. My brother once had one fitted between the kitchen and the lounge. The dog would simply jump over it, the youngest child could vault over it while the oldest child worked out how to open it and leave it open, making the whole thing utterly pointless. But why would you leave a little one unsupervised in a room anyway? I suppose if you’re tight on space they’re quite handy. You could take the door out and have a clear view in the next room if you’re doing another activity. Or perhaps they’re handy if the kids decide to go exploring and attempt to conquer the stairs. But when I was a toddler I fell from the top of the stairs all the way to the bottom and sat up laughing. Perhaps that’s why I don’t feel so caged up wherever I go.

Monday 10 May 2021

The Joker

He’s one of those people that you just can’t remember how you met him. Perhaps it was at a party or a meeting. Nothing struck you as particularly characteristic at the time but then came the social media request to stay in touch. A cheeky smile is something that you can’t resist and a face that you vaguely remember from somewhere but you can’t say for sure. You enjoy his posts and they’re constant and consistent. It’s topical humour from newspaper cartoons and other stuff that he’s found on the net, but there’s occasional news reports of interest from his area in a field that you’re both interested in. You give them the odd like and on occasion may even share some of the content he’s found. You have to wonder what he does and how he finds all this time to keep searching and posting, although the human touch is returned when he shares some of yours occasionally.

Sunday 9 May 2021


I don’t see the point of these modern-day gaming chairs. I don’t know anyone who’s got one or is lucky enough to have the room for one. It’s great to have an immersive experience but you don’t want to be distracted too much from the real world. And with all the support pads in place, wouldn’t it just be easier to buy a cheap chair and a cushion? Another feature is that it vibrates with the sound; though it would be better if it vibrated to the action on the screen. There’s even chairs that flash and light up which might appeal if you’re watching a person, but that might get a bit boring or distracting after a while. And if a normal chair causes bad posture, why are there so many more of them in the universe? Shouldn’t every chair aim to be comfortable? And being as everyone’s different, we’re going to end up having to transport custom chairs wherever we go.

Saturday 8 May 2021

Taxi Terrors #dreamdiary 108

There seems to be a lot of taxis parked around town. They’re quite old cars and I wonder if they’ve been abandoned because they’re not roadworthy. On closer observation I notice the key’s been left in one of them. I climb in and the vehicle starts so I treat myself to a free ride to work. Afterwards I return it to a spot near to where I found it. The next day I find the taxi on the same road but it’s in a different spot and the key’s been left in again. Once again, I treat myself to a free ride to work. Afterwards I decide to park the car in the taxi rank outside the bus station. I drive through the bus station but there’s a commotion ahead as pedestrians are surrounding a taxi in front and they’re blocking the road. One of them comes over to me and explains that they’re 10p short for their fare. I give them 40p and the taxi in front moves away but the passengers start dancing in front of my car. I drive off and park then realise that I’ve just driven the wrong way through the bus station. On the following day I’m not at work but decide to take the taxi for a joyride. I drive onto the ring road with a rigged-up system that lets me steer the car by lying on the windshield. Of course, the ring road is very close to the town’s police station and I’m soon spotted. I pull over and flee down an embankment.

Friday 7 May 2021

Send it Back

One of the peeves of being a delivery driver is that you leave with more stuff than you departed with. It feels like you’ve never left and that you haven’t done the job at all. But that’s logistics for you. Someone somewhere has decided that these things need to be elsewhere and you’re the poor sod that’s got to make it happen. But how it’s done isn’t just up to you. It depends on how ready everyone is; whether it’s a late departure of a traffic jam that holds you up; or a decision that you take which could delay your arrival time. Then there’s the availability at the other end. Are there people to assist you or people dependent on a particular time? Have you got to unload then replenish yourself? Have you got room for everything? And how will this affect the rest of your journey? Still, that’s logistics for you.


Thursday 6 May 2021


Alexa’s interactive games are improving slightly. There’s more sound effects, different voices and background noises, but it’s a shame that the other characters are still robotic. It makes the experience a bit irritating. I like the humour introduced in the start of the game; but it doesn’t give me much hope when I’m told that a weakling has been conjured for me to manage. Within seconds of being told his name, Alexa asks me to give him a knight’s name. I wanted to stick to the same one; but she didn’t seem to allow it. I decided to change it to Mike the Minion but she wouldn’t allow it as it’s a title, so he’s just called Mike. Within seconds he’s plundered into his first battle and drops hundreds of places in the league table. There doesn’t seem to be any hope of recovery. However, I did enjoy the humour of the daily quest and the old peasant’s bafflement of a villager found inside her recovered cooking pot; though I question her ability to reward me in diamonds. It’s for this reason only that I may be back tomorrow.

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Deteriorating Digits

There’s plenty of reasons why things get mixed up. A wrong combination placed on the product delays the items from being processed, even if it’s two digits in the wrong order. And if just by chance the person retrieving the item isn’t paying attention, a completely different item could leave the shelf. It even alters where the item travels to. It’s usually the item that’s not packed away properly and slides out of the shipping container, and the person that tries to correct the error simply misreads the information. It’s hard to say whether a bit of incompetence is involved or whether some karma is overdue. It just goes to show that one number really can make all the difference. The worst part is when the item’s description is looked at instead of the number. And when the wrong item’s been handed out to the customer, it becomes a lot harder to get it back and exchange it for the correct one, especially if the customer’s been given a better model. It’s all a numbers game.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Hospitality Opening will be in Stages

 A lot of us can’t wait to get back to the pub. For a lot of us, it’s a sign of normality as we can see people from different households without the aid of a screen and share an experience. But it’s controversial that our freedoms are being restricted with a pub passport scheme. The first mention of it makes you cringe. If it’s to work like an ordinary passport, then there’s a fee to pay and you’ve got to wait a few weeks for it to arrive. If you read on, there’s a bit of relief as the government has confirmed that if they were to introduce such a scheme it wouldn’t be until everyone’s been offered the vaccine. But if everyone’s had the vaccine, there wouldn’t be a need for the scheme in the first place. So if you read between the lines, all this scheme is really doing is to encourage more people to get the vaccine. And if there’s no charge for this passport, then it becomes no more than a political weapon against the Anti-vaxxers.

Monday 3 May 2021

Status Jump

It’s a hard graft at the local store. You’re limited to what space and resources you’ve got and you have to have the best people in place too; especially when disaster happens such as a leak in the roof or a power failure. You need to have people who are prepared to work together no matter what level they’re on; and recognise their contribution however minor that might be. You’ve got to watch out for the safety of each other and the general public and balance your contractor’s needs as well. If you’ve got people alongside you with a can-do attitude and an ounce of common sense, you’ll win the day no matter what challenges are put in front of you. There’s even a chance to flout the rules and be flirty and friendly as possible as long as everyone’s aware of what they can and can’t get away with.


Sunday 2 May 2021

Pan's Labyrinth

This was a charming escapist film albeit with a tragic ending set in a historical context. I love the movements of the inquisitive insects who guide Ofelia to the faun. It’s hard to decide whether it was an act of gratuity for repairing the stone or a curse for interfering with it; especially when you throw in the events that occur at the lodge. I also thought that ignoring the advice of a trusting magical faun was an act of stupidity; though perhaps Ofelia’s punishment for her previous actions should have been portrayed more vividly which would have better illustrated her hunger. I didn’t expect this film to be so gory and wondered whether some of the beatings were necessary to film. Perhaps that’s how the Spanish like their films. In a way, it’s an adult version of Henson’s Labyrinth with more realism. Some plots are predictable such as the unification of Mercedes and the Doctor, while other moments leave you in suspense such as the encounters with the rebels. All in all, it’s an enjoyable film.

Saturday 1 May 2021

Luckless Local

Once you’re in, it’s time to undertake the expedition to the back of the store. You’re all on your own here as everyone else is tied up with their tasks. It’s easier to take a smaller load with you first so that you can negotiate your way around the customers that you’ve just blocked and at the same time prove to them that you’re making a delivery rather than popping in for a coke. There may be a few friendly faces who welcome you as you’re giving them more custom. Once at the back, it’s a quick case of working out the best spot for today’s dumping ground before going back for more. If you’re lucky, there may be a trolley that you can use to convey you other loads back and forth. As it’s often different people you come across every time, you get more familiar with the furniture than the staff.