Friday 20 September 2019

The Rights of the Royals

If there’s no parliament, then surely there shouldn’t be a Prime Minister? Suspending parliament should really put the Queen in charge over all others. It all sounds a bit backwards that the Queen can let the Prime Minister do just what he wants. But then again, Prime Minister is the literal backward for Member of Parliament. There may be another motive taking present here. Obviously, the Queen is aware of how much we pay the European Union as it is her government. But is she after a bigger slice of the cake once it’s done? To be fair I think we all are, but if everyone gets the same proportion then all will be well. But to put all this trust into one man is practically on the same level as crowning Boris Johnson king. I don’t think Her Majesty has realised what she’s let herself in for. And of course, now that he realises that he can suspend parliament, there’s no way of knowing of whether he’ll attempt to do it again.  

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