Friday 27 September 2019

Light em Up!

One of the great things that companies seem to do nowadays is take advantage of their skyline-owned space and do something novel to add to the view. Most companies will just incorporate an interesting design to the landscape (providing the governing body approves). But there’s also the night factor. If it’s a headlining company, it’ll do its best to get its name out there. But with a bit of luck, it’ll contribute an interesting lighting scheme to contribute to the show as well. But there’s a greater cost in this and it depends on how the company is performing. If they can get away with it, they’ll try and switch them off during the twilight hour. This might even be thanked by the locals since they won’t have a neon show streaming through their window every night. Unless it’s a blind company forcing them to buy their products. But if I lived in that neighbourhood, I’d rally round my neighbours and get people to use their lights at just the right time and in the right position to spell out a different message.

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