Wednesday 25 September 2019

The Big Bus App

As we were on the move, I downloaded the Big Bus app to help us keep track of our buses because even though there was a schedule; we couldn’t rely on it because of traffic conditions. The app was supposed to allow us to keep track of the buses in real time; send you notifications when one was approaching your area; and tell you the sights around each stop. The trouble was that I never seemed to get the damn thing to work. I spent a lot of time trying to steal WiFi and using my data allowance to track a bus and it never seemed to update until a bus was actually in physical sight. I don’t know whether the app was faulty or it was just my carrier trying to adjust to a different country’s network; but we found it quite frustrating. I also found that when we returned to our hotel and logged onto the room’s WiFi; the app wanted an update. Perhaps there were bugs that they were trying to fix. More frustratingly; their rival bus company seemed to run buses more frequently. Perhaps they gave out less information? I wonder what the deal was.

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