Monday 9 September 2019

Back to the Island

The journey back was a bit more interesting as we’d picked up some bikers below us. As we docked, the logs of the old ferry terminal reminded me of the Giant’s Causeway. There was a bit of a wait to disembark as we had to let the bikes off first, though we did still manage to overtake some of them on foot and they crept back up on us by using the wrong footpaths. Our mission now was to get back to the bus stop which was a long walk away. I thought that the easiest route back would be to catch the subway. We found the entrance which consisted of a small garden shed with a turnstile inside; but we couldn’t see anywhere to buy tickets. We took a ten minute walk to a tourist information man who said in an annoyed but perfect Brooklyn Stan Lee accent that you had to get tickets from the machine. I said that we couldn’t see a machine and he said that it was on the other side. Sure enough, on our second attempt we walked around to the other side of the shed, and there it was. So we bought our tickets and prepared to enter the world’s most complex transit system.

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