Friday 13 September 2019


We emerged out of the subway to find ourselves in Chinatown, where everything was moving at a fast pace. Amongst the hustle and bustle, we saw a lovely five-story pagoda but the only thing that ruined it was a Starbucks built into its ground floor. Once we’d rotated ourselves, we started heading towards the bus stop, which then became a sprint as we spotted one as it would be half an hour to the next one. We reached the door but Mum needed a few minutes to find her ticket but luckily they were letting quite a few people off. I had to explain to her that we were tied to a particular company with these tickets and that we couldn’t just get on any old tour bus. Our new guide was telling us quite a bit about life in New York and how hard and fast paced it was. He was quite entertaining and recommended not to eat the hot dogs and where to go for the best slice of pizza.  

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