Wednesday 4 September 2019

And on and on and on...

What would be the first thing to go wrong in your new car? Obviously, this would be a flawed question as you don’t know the people who have gone into the making of it. My old man had a brand new beamer from new that he sent back three times because of a manufacturing fault, and of course once you’ve registered for the car you’re stuck with it, chassis number and all; and it’s far easier for the dealer to get it repaired than take it back for a new one like you would with a broken kettle. But let’s say you’re lucky enough to be given a flawless model. My first bet would be the tyres. We’ve had a fiesta in the family from new and the first thing that went was the tyres. I’ve had the fluid changed over the years but only because the garage recommends you to which prevents something much more expensive going wrong in the long term.

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