Wednesday 11 September 2019

From Underground to Overground

I’d worked out that we needed to get a 6 train but from there my confidence ended. The platform was quite busy for a Sunday but I asked a lovely transit lady where we needed to be and she told me, ‘Just get on the next train sweetie’. We did have to wait a good ten minutes before our train arrived; during which time Mum managed to spot a rat on the rails. When we got on, we managed to get a seat opposite each other but we still had to wait for a while and because of this the train began to fill up with standing passengers. A man sitting next to Mum started drawing something on his phone which she began to take an interest in. I hoped it wasn’t anything rude (she later told me it was a shoe). As we reached our stop, I realised I hadn’t looked up which exit we needed to take so in the end I just plain guessed.

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