Sunday 29 September 2019

Ellen's Stardust Diner

This was a great place to come for a late lunch and we didn’t have to queue. Not only was there a crazy menu but the entertainment was good too! Basically, it’s a traditional American diner but all the waiting staff are wanna Broadway performers; and they sing and dance show tunes in between taking your order and bringing your food to the table. In the middle of the restaurant are two long back-to-back booths and in the middle is a very thin catwalk-cum stage that they use to climb up and perform. I got a peck off the cheek from our waitress as we sang. I had a very bizarre meal; it was a deep-fried chicken breast served on a waffle and it was huge. For our finale, they sang Let it Go and in the final chorus they let loose a glitter bomb. After that they passed the ‘college fund’ bucket round a second time so we sensed that we’d outstayed our welcome. As we left, we saw that the queue for dinner had formed right down the street.

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