Sunday 8 September 2019

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies (the movie)

Like many, I was disappointed with this film. Despite it being post-apocalyptic England, it was annoying that most characters seemed to attempt to carry on as if nothing had happened. It aimed to follow the book mostly to the letter to persuade the audience to adapt to Austen’s original tale; the only exception being Wickham’s outcome which seemed to be thrown in at the last minute. Most of the zombie scenes seemed to occur as a side-line and had very little contribution to the role of the plot. If you add this to the mid-credits closing scene; it feels like this screen time was cut and it’s a shame to not let zombie fans see the outcome of this scenario. It was a great idea but the execution wasn’t satisfactory. A bit more comedy gore could have been used alongside a look at the rest of English society during this siege.

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