Monday 16 September 2019

"Control your own Destiny or someone else will"

-Jack Welch.

It’s that simple. If you want to keep your job, you’ve got to convince the people above that you’re worth keeping. You’ve got to control the powers that be to keep them happy. And you’ve got to work smart, not hard. It’s no good just being a yes man as they’ll just pile it all on you right now with their workload included. But at the same time, demeaning them isn’t going to get you into their good books. It’s a delicate balance of keeping everyone just the right amount of happy. And if you’re not in your dream situation, sitting on your arse waiting for it to come to you just isn’t going to happen. You’ve got to get out there and showcase your skills. Even if you’re waiting for a job offer to land in your in-box; you’ve got to take the time to create a great profile in the first place.

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