Sunday 22 September 2019

An Early Breakfast #devilsdaughter6

The porter entered the room to see a large wall of flesh in front of him.
‘We’ve been getting complaints…’ he trailed off. He’d meant to say ‘about a large amount of noise from this room’. The staff were used to the odd ruffle coming from the presidential suite but this was ridiculous. But what put him off from finishing his sentence was the extraordinary large woman in the room. Her head was practically touching the ceiling and he began to wonder how this woman got into the hotel in the first place, yet alone this room. He then noticed her complexion, which was closer to red than orange. Finally, as he looked down, he noticed two beanbag sized globes attached to her chest.
‘We do apologise for the noise’ said Lucinda.’ Why don’t we go into the bathroom and we’ll talk about it. Only don’t wake hubby, he can get quite angry…’  

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