Tuesday 24 September 2019

Joe Lycett's Got Your Back

I first took interest in this show when I saw a few clips on Facebook when Lycett replied to spam e-mailers to see how far he could take them. It’s a shame that this wasn’t made the bulk of the show; he could have even made the public join in with his campaigns if they’ve received similar stuff. Instead it’s a self-styled consumer show where they respond with dark humour to issues that Watchdog don’t. Although their response campaigns are very amusing; they seem more like time wasting exercises in my eye and very rarely achieve an actual result. There are also unnecessary guest campaigners on the show; merely big names who read pre-researched facts and do very little to have their own uptake on the show. There’s also Mark S who’s treated as a god but does very little other than press a few buttons and reads a few deadpan lines. His Halifax and Burger King sketches are great to watch, but there needs to be one of these in every episode. I would watch a second series but the format needs to be adjusted somewhat.

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