Monday, 30 September 2019
Washing Woes
My brother’s been after a new
washing machine. His old one is a Proaction which is currently shaking
itself to bits. After enquiring about size, it became clear that he just wanted
something that works at a cheap price. We made enquiries at the local
electrical store but the cheapest model that I sold beat their offer and I could
get it even cheaper if his machine could survive until the end of the month
because of an extra discount weekend. I then had to keep it to one side until
the big day. When we sold one, I had to order another one in and hope that it
would still be there on the big day. Finally, I stayed up until the first
minute of the sale day to put the order through. Then all I had to do was give
him the code and he could pick it up himself. And pay me back of course.
Sunday, 29 September 2019
Ellen's Stardust Diner
This was a great
place to come for a late lunch and we didn’t have to queue. Not only was there
a crazy menu but the entertainment was good too! Basically, it’s a traditional
American diner but all the waiting staff are wanna Broadway performers; and
they sing and dance show tunes in between taking your order and bringing your
food to the table. In the middle of the restaurant are two long back-to-back
booths and in the middle is a very thin catwalk-cum stage that they use to
climb up and perform. I got a peck off the cheek from our waitress as we sang.
I had a very bizarre meal; it was a deep-fried chicken breast served on a
waffle and it was huge. For our finale, they sang Let it Go and in the
final chorus they let loose a glitter bomb. After that they passed the ‘college
fund’ bucket round a second time so we sensed that we’d outstayed our welcome. As
we left, we saw that the queue for dinner had formed right down the street.
Saturday, 28 September 2019
The Bait Box
The mouse was still in the house.
At one point, it had managed to scurry upstairs and pop out underneath my
wardrobe. I had to wonder whether it was brave enough to make the venture
upstairs or did it go through the walls? We also noticed that something had
been burying itself underneath the shed. I stuck a hosepipe underneath that for
a while but nothing came out. We needed to take further action, so we bought a pre-loaded
bait box. This encourages the mouse to have a wander inside the box and take a
nibble of the poisoned bait. Over the next few days we noticed a trail of
crumbs outside the box but then there was nothing, and there were no sightings
either. There’s also a lack of any odd smells, so hopefully the little bugger’s
crawled off to die outside and the nest has been evacuated; wherever it might
Friday, 27 September 2019
Light em Up!
of the great things that companies seem to do nowadays is take advantage of
their skyline-owned space and do something novel to add to the view. Most
companies will just incorporate an interesting design to the landscape (providing
the governing body approves). But there’s also the night factor. If it’s a
headlining company, it’ll do its best to get its name out there. But with a bit
of luck, it’ll contribute an interesting lighting scheme to contribute to the
show as well. But there’s a greater cost in this and it depends on how the
company is performing. If they can get away with it, they’ll try and switch
them off during the twilight hour. This might even be thanked by the locals
since they won’t have a neon show streaming through their window every night.
Unless it’s a blind company forcing them to buy their products. But if I lived
in that neighbourhood, I’d rally round my neighbours and get people to use
their lights at just the right time and in the right position to spell out a
different message.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Behind the Counter
It’s hard working in a fast-paced
environment with little or no room to manoeuvre in. You’ve got to serve your
customers as quickly as possible and as accurate as possible all while being as
cheerful as possible. You’ve also got to work as a team and let them know as
soon as any problems develop. And you’ve got to keep an eye on who’s waiting
for what. If you’re young then the older customers are more likely to forgive
you; unless they’re regulars in which case they may think that you should know
better. And to survive all this, it all comes with experience. You’ve got to
keep going and keep the line moving, even when you think that things should be
settling down. And at the end of it all, you can take away a tea as big as you
want. And if you don’t like it, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
The Big Bus App
As we were on the move, I downloaded the Big Bus app to help us keep track of our buses because even though there was a schedule; we couldn’t rely on it because of traffic conditions. The app was supposed to allow us to keep track of the buses in real time; send you notifications when one was approaching your area; and tell you the sights around each stop. The trouble was that I never seemed to get the damn thing to work. I spent a lot of time trying to steal WiFi and using my data allowance to track a bus and it never seemed to update until a bus was actually in physical sight. I don’t know whether the app was faulty or it was just my carrier trying to adjust to a different country’s network; but we found it quite frustrating. I also found that when we returned to our hotel and logged onto the room’s WiFi; the app wanted an update. Perhaps there were bugs that they were trying to fix. More frustratingly; their rival bus company seemed to run buses more frequently. Perhaps they gave out less information? I wonder what the deal was.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Joe Lycett's Got Your Back
first took interest in this show when I saw a few clips on Facebook when Lycett
replied to spam e-mailers to see how far he could take them. It’s a shame that
this wasn’t made the bulk of the show; he could have even made the public join
in with his campaigns if they’ve received similar stuff. Instead it’s a
self-styled consumer show where they respond with dark humour to issues
that Watchdog don’t. Although their response campaigns are very amusing;
they seem more like time wasting exercises in my eye and very rarely achieve an
actual result. There are also unnecessary guest campaigners on the show; merely
big names who read pre-researched facts and do very little to have their own
uptake on the show. There’s also Mark S who’s treated as a god but does very
little other than press a few buttons and reads a few deadpan lines. His Halifax
and Burger King sketches are great to watch, but there needs to be
one of these in every episode. I would watch a second series but the format
needs to be adjusted somewhat.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Little Italy
Tonight, we wanted to find a
dinner venue that had a bit more splendour. After returning to our hotel for a
rest, I got out my tablet to start exploring. I found a lovely little family-owned
Italian restaurant that looked just the job and downloaded their menu. It was
only a short walk away, though we did wander if we were walking into a Goodfellas
front or whether it’d be heaving because of the reviews. Thankfully, it
wasn’t. The staff were very polite and attentive and dressed to suit. I decided
for the traditional Mama’s meatballs, while Mum opted for a chicken and
mushroom pasta dish. We got given a complimentary bread basket and were left to
soak in the old-world surroundings of terracotta pots and photographs on the
walls. The prices were fair for the size of the portions. Afterwards we went
for a wander through some backstreets and found a street of local bars, each
with their own character.
Sunday, 22 September 2019
An Early Breakfast #devilsdaughter6
The porter entered the room to see a large wall of flesh in
front of him.
‘We’ve been getting complaints…’
he trailed off. He’d meant to say ‘about a large amount of noise from this room’.
The staff were used to the odd ruffle coming from the presidential suite but
this was ridiculous. But what put him off from finishing his sentence was the
extraordinary large woman in the room. Her head was practically touching the ceiling
and he began to wonder how this woman got into the hotel in the first place,
yet alone this room. He then noticed her complexion, which was closer to red
than orange. Finally, as he looked down, he noticed two beanbag sized globes
attached to her chest.
‘We do apologise for the noise’
said Lucinda.’ Why don’t we go into the bathroom and we’ll talk about it. Only
don’t wake hubby, he can get quite angry…’
Saturday, 21 September 2019
The Night Bus
Our plan for the evening was to
take a night tour which was included in our ticket. On this tour, we’d head
downtown on a double-decker bus, cross the Brooklyn Bridge and have a quick
tour of Brooklyn as well. After queuing for half an hour amongst foreigners not
grasping the idea that this was a non-stop bus; we set off at an astonishing speed
for a tour bus. We could certainly feel the wind in our hair and it felt more
like a roller coaster; and we had to be quick to snap the sights that we
wanted. There was also an audio tour, but it took a while for it to be up and
running. The driver also decided to do a little backstreet tour and take us
along cobbled streets which was an area showcasing some of the city’s finest shops.
The tour concluded outside a giant M&M store which we wandered around but
couldn’t much grasp the overpriced point of it.
Friday, 20 September 2019
The Rights of the Royals
If there’s no parliament, then
surely there shouldn’t be a Prime Minister? Suspending parliament should really
put the Queen in charge over all others. It all sounds a bit backwards that the
Queen can let the Prime Minister do just what he wants. But then again, Prime
Minister is the literal backward for Member of Parliament. There may be another
motive taking present here. Obviously, the Queen is aware of how much we pay
the European Union as it is her government. But is she after a bigger slice of
the cake once it’s done? To be fair I think we all are, but if everyone gets the
same proportion then all will be well. But to put all this trust into one man
is practically on the same level as crowning Boris Johnson king. I don’t think Her
Majesty has realised what she’s let herself in for. And of course, now that he
realises that he can suspend parliament, there’s no way of knowing of whether
he’ll attempt to do it again.
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Rocking around the Rockefeller
The Rockefeller complex is an
amazing area to visit. Once you’ve wondered around appreciating the artwork and
independent shops on offer, you find the little office that grants you access
to the roof, or Top of the Rock as it’s known. Armed with your tickets,
you’ve then got to search for the right elevator as it’s not very well signed.
But once you’re in, there’s an interesting presentation of the building’s
construction and you get to pose on a piece of scaffolding high above the city
as well. This is one of the best places to view the city; especially if you
want views of the Empire State Building as well. When you step out from behind
the glass, the wind really hits you. But equally impressive is the ground plaza
where there’s an impressive fountain and gardens, and if you’re lucky enough
there’s the iconic ice rink too. Failing that, the Lego shop is open all year round!
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
What is an Experience that you've had as a co-passenger that you'll never forget?
I’d just landed at Gatwick, and
because of the lateness of the hour, my only option home was to head into
central London to get a bus back to Birmingham. I got a ticket and had a bit of
a wait in the squalid bus station. While I was waiting, a young woman smiled at
me and asked me how to get to Manchester. I pointed her in the direction of the
reception desk who would be best set to guide her as to how to proceed. She
purchased her ticket and came back to me to ask what to do next. I looked at
her ticket and saw that she was due to ride on the same bus as mine. She then
proceeded to ask me all sorts of questions as to how she should get to her
destination in Manchester to which I suggested getting a taxi. She then passed
me a phone who apparently was her partner and asked me if I could escort her;
but I stated that I was not going that far. Throughout the journey she kept
tapping me and handing the phone and the gentleman asked if I could make
arrangements, and all I could tell him that I was ill-equipped to do so, and
all I wanted was to fall asleep on the bus.
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
West Side
We learnt quite a bit about New
York on our return trip. Our guide shared hidden locations of apartments owned
by celebrities; some of which have lifts just for their cars so that they still
have the luxury of parking outside their front door. The rest of them have to
make do with paying outrageous parking fees or live with the fact of not
driving at all. And there’s some great examples of how the space is used, from
paying by the hour to use coin-operated lifts to pier-side rooftops with an
outdoor gym complete with trapeziums. As we prepared to disembark, I noticed a
sign advertising one of my arch-nemeses: Scientologists. We passed a metal
workshop selling famous robots including a life-sized R2D2 in the doorway, then
we decided we had time to visit one more landmark before calling it a day of
sightseeing. To this end, we headed over to the Rockefeller Centre.
Monday, 16 September 2019
"Control your own Destiny or someone else will"
-Jack Welch.
It’s that simple. If you want to
keep your job, you’ve got to convince the people above that you’re worth keeping.
You’ve got to control the powers that be to keep them happy. And you’ve got to
work smart, not hard. It’s no good just being a yes man as they’ll just pile it
all on you right now with their workload included. But at the same time,
demeaning them isn’t going to get you into their good books. It’s a delicate
balance of keeping everyone just the right amount of happy. And if you’re not
in your dream situation, sitting on your arse waiting for it to come to you just
isn’t going to happen. You’ve got to get out there and showcase your skills.
Even if you’re waiting for a job offer to land in your in-box; you’ve got to
take the time to create a great profile in the first place.
Sunday, 15 September 2019
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
An interesting read, though one does find it hard for a child to imagine the anthropomorphic animals waltzing about the countryside in tweed jackets and waistcoats. It also seems a little odd to bring a mole out of his natural habitat to suddenly start socialising with other animals. However, you do gain a sense of animalistic fear when Mole loses his way in the Wild Woods. But there’s not much of a moral to the tale either. As a result of his crimes he gets to throw a party for all his friends; though I suppose the karma comes through the weasels. Actually, that sounds about right when you look at the current state of the gentry; even though it’s not a good message to pass onto children. But what it does teach you is the value of friendship and that you should hold onto them whatever your opinion may be.
View all my reviews
Saturday, 14 September 2019
Boppi the Dancing Llama
Mum was struggling to get a gift
for my youngest niece who turned four last week. Her parents mentioned that she
had her eye on Boppi the Booty Shakin’ Llama last week when she was in the toy
shop, so we looked it up. It’s a robotic toy with white false fur topped with
pink and blue hair which shakes its arse to three unique tunes. The people in
the video thought it was hilarious and we can see why. We couldn’t wait for
Millie to get it out of the box. Our first plan was to wait until the price
drop at work started which wouldn’t be until the end of the month. But then I
looked it up at Amazon which also had them in stock and were selling them
cheaper than my staff discount price. So we ordered one which would be
delivered the following evening. The most exciting part for me was that as the
driver got closer, I could watch his position on a map through my smartphone. I
was just a bit disappointed when a Mercedes saloon pulled up in front of my
neighbour’s house, but he got the job done. He even had his girlfriend as an
Friday, 13 September 2019
We emerged out of the subway to find
ourselves in Chinatown, where everything was moving at a fast pace. Amongst the
hustle and bustle, we saw a lovely five-story pagoda but the only thing that ruined
it was a Starbucks built into its ground floor. Once we’d rotated ourselves, we
started heading towards the bus stop, which then became a sprint as we spotted
one as it would be half an hour to the next one. We reached the door but Mum
needed a few minutes to find her ticket but luckily they were letting quite a
few people off. I had to explain to her that we were tied to a particular
company with these tickets and that we couldn’t just get on any old tour bus. Our
new guide was telling us quite a bit about life in New York and how hard and
fast paced it was. He was quite entertaining and recommended not to eat the hot
dogs and where to go for the best slice of pizza.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Mouse Trap
To catch a mouse, you need a
trap. I suggested that we get three or four and spread them around the house.
Mum came back with two of the flimsiest products that I’d ever seen. They didn’t
have any instructions on them or come in any packaging. Luckily, I found an
instructional video on how to set up our little nipper. Once the food’s loaded
onto the spike, you tilt the board at an angle and use the catch to stop the
clasp from springing back and hope that your fingers don’t get in the way. Apparently
it’s the fastest trap in the world. Next, we needed some bait. Mum decided to
treat them to some BabyBel. Amazingly, they managed to get the cheese off the
spike without tilting the trap. I decided that we needed something a bit stodgy,
so I got some peanut butter. But that just sat there.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
From Underground to Overground
I’d worked out that we needed to get
a 6 train but from there my confidence ended. The platform was quite busy for a
Sunday but I asked a lovely transit lady where we needed to be and she told me,
‘Just get on the next train sweetie’. We did have to wait a good ten minutes before our train arrived; during which time Mum managed to spot a rat
on the rails. When we got on, we managed to get a seat opposite each other but
we still had to wait for a while and because of this the train began to fill up
with standing passengers. A man sitting next to Mum started drawing something
on his phone which she began to take an interest in. I hoped it wasn’t anything
rude (she later told me it was a shoe). As we reached our stop, I realised I hadn’t
looked up which exit we needed to take so in the end I just plain guessed.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
The Germans are Coming
It’s hard when you get old. You have
to try and learn a new trend when all you want to do is for everything to be
the same. So when a speaker in your headphones break, all you want is the same
thing. You don’t want to have to replace your equipment; you just want
everything to be back up and running again as soon as possible. So after
explaining to this old lady that we don’t repair them in store as it’s cheaper
for her to buy a new one. I have to explain to her that we’re waiting for some
more to come in. I tell her that it’s a Japanese company and we’re waiting for
them to be shipped over. For some reason, she starts blaming the Germans. I
know that they’re responsible for a war or two but how can Merkle be accountable
for halting the transportation of this lady’s headphones? Go figure.
Monday, 9 September 2019
Back to the Island
The journey back was a bit more
interesting as we’d picked up some bikers below us. As we docked, the logs of
the old ferry terminal reminded me of the Giant’s Causeway. There was a bit of
a wait to disembark as we had to let the bikes off first, though we did still
manage to overtake some of them on foot and they crept back up on us by using
the wrong footpaths. Our mission now was to get back to the bus stop which was
a long walk away. I thought that the easiest route back would be to catch the
subway. We found the entrance which consisted of a small garden shed with a
turnstile inside; but we couldn’t see anywhere to buy tickets. We took a ten
minute walk to a tourist information man who said in an annoyed but perfect
Brooklyn Stan Lee accent that you had to get tickets from the machine. I said
that we couldn’t see a machine and he said that it was on the other side. Sure
enough, on our second attempt we walked around to the other side of the shed,
and there it was. So we bought our tickets and prepared to enter the world’s
most complex transit system.
Sunday, 8 September 2019
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies (the movie)
Like many, I was disappointed with this film. Despite it being post-apocalyptic
England, it was annoying that most characters seemed to attempt to carry on as
if nothing had happened. It aimed to follow the book mostly to the letter to
persuade the audience to adapt to Austen’s original tale; the only exception
being Wickham’s outcome which seemed to be thrown in at the last minute. Most
of the zombie scenes seemed to occur as a side-line and had very little contribution
to the role of the plot. If you add this to the mid-credits closing scene; it
feels like this screen time was cut and it’s a shame to not let zombie fans see
the outcome of this scenario. It was a great idea but the execution wasn’t
satisfactory. A bit more comedy gore could have been used alongside a look at
the rest of English society during this siege.
Saturday, 7 September 2019
Island Sights
As we left the terminal, we got a
great view of Lower Manhattan. We also saw a cruise trip coming into port. What
we didn’t get was any commentary but I suppose we could have found an audio
guide if we tried. But our main objective was to get a selfie in front of the
statue; a hard feat to achieve without a selfie stick and when you’re in
motion. It’s another downside of taking public transportation; if we’d taken a
tourist boat there would have probably been a stop for photo opportunities. But
we did get some great shots of Ellis Island and the Manhattan skyline. Upon
arrival, we wanted to remain on the ferry for the short journey back, but the
crew were asking us to leave as they already had people queuing up to get on.
However, we got off quick enough and managed to walk around to the back of the
queue and get back on the same vessel anyway.
Friday, 6 September 2019
Trouble at the Door #devilsdaughter5
Sure enough, a knock was soon to
be heard at the door. It started off quite timid at first as if in consideration
for the people in the other rooms; not that they weren’t asleep anyway, then
soon became a more confident thump. Lucinda wondered if this would be a timid
fellow who had come to check out the noise or a more enforcing guard who had come
to enforce the law. Whoever it was, she had to dispose of them without disturbing
Luke. Using a plump pillow that was smaller than her left breast, she slowly
eased it under Luke’s head, then lifted it to extract herself from underneath
him. Then she lowered him gently back down to the remains of the bed, guiding
her hand across his back as she did so. The last thing that she wanted at this
point was for Luke to wake up, so she grabbed a towel robe that was hanging off
the door and wrapped it around the top of her legs.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
We are Sailing
The ferry terminal was quite
modern. There were ticket booths on the ground floor, then you travelled
upstairs to a central seating area while you waited for your gate to be called.
As our ferry was free, we didn’t need a ticket to board. There were a number of
concession stands in the walls, while the waterside gates didn’t offer much of
a view while they were closed. We only had to wait half an hour for the next
ferry, and as the time approached, a crowd begun to form in front of the
suspected gate. As the seats weren’t reserved, we joined the crowd ready to
walk on the instant that the gates opened so that we didn’t miss out. Unfortunately,
all of the seating was towards the centre of the boat, but we did manage to get
a standing spot on the starboard side of the boat by a window.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
And on and on and on...
What would be the first thing to
go wrong in your new car? Obviously, this would be a flawed question as you don’t
know the people who have gone into the making of it. My old man had a brand new
beamer from new that he sent back three times because of a manufacturing fault,
and of course once you’ve registered for the car you’re stuck with it, chassis
number and all; and it’s far easier for the dealer to get it repaired than take
it back for a new one like you would with a broken kettle. But let’s say you’re
lucky enough to be given a flawless model. My first bet would be the tyres. We’ve
had a fiesta in the family from new and the first thing that went was the
tyres. I’ve had the fluid changed over the years but only because the garage
recommends you to which prevents something much more expensive going wrong in
the long term.
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Expedition to the Staten Island Ferry
We set off on foot once more,
this time in the direction of the ferry. We briefly touched Wall Street but
that didn’t interest Mum so we kept going as it was a long walk. We paused only
to get a goofy picture of us posing next to a plastic model of the Statue of
Liberty outside of a bakery. We passed a man in a tour uniform who was trying
to sell us tickets to Liberty Island. The thing is that you can hitch a lift on
the ferry for free as it sails past the island, but if you want to set foot on
it then you need to take a tourist boat. As Mum was happy with just a sea view
we carried on towards the ferry. We walked through Battery Park for Mum’s first
glimpse of the statue, passing the Sea CArousel on the way, then we headed into the ferry terminal to see
about our crossing.
Monday, 2 September 2019
Is the End of Democracy?
It seems so. It’s only an elite
few who can elect our new Prime Minister. The rest of us have had to accept it,
and the only other option was to write to persuade these privileged few to
influence their vote. And now he’s suspended all rights to discussing Brexit with
the belief that he can get it done with a deal. It’s a bold ambition, and we do
need a deal. I feel that we do need to need Europe, but we need more time to
prepare. We need to ensure that British manufacturing is capable of getting up
and running again after being dormant for so long, and that’s certainly not
going to happen overnight. What we need is more time to come up with a proper
plan, and a month’s delay certainly isn’t going to achieve it, unless there’s
something else that they’re not telling us. Perhaps they need more money to
build that secret bunker. It’s certainly a dirty way to go about it.
Sunday, 1 September 2019
Expedition to the World Trade Center
It’s our first full day of visiting
New York. After a hearty breakfast, we meet our guide outside our hotel who has
arranged tickets for a sightseeing bus. She hands out our passes then explains
that a bike race is taking part in the city, preventing the bus from completing
its usual circuit. Our goal for the day was to get a glimpse of the Statue of
Liberty, calling in at Ground Zero on the way. The bus gets us as far as Canal
Street, then we crossed fifteen blocks on foot to reach the World Trade Center,
passing an amazing building that looked like it had been built out of glass Jenga
blocks. We arrived in the square to see two gaping holes, of which the sound of
the city’s hustle and bustle had been drained out by the roar of water falling
into giant reflecting pools below, while the new Freedom Tower stretched up subtlety.
A few people were ascending escalators into a nearby fancy building, and we
asked a passing patrolman what was up there. His response was: ‘Why don’t you
go and see’? Not convinced by his answer, we decided to move on.
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