Monday 9 April 2018

Wythall is so close to another win

It’s hard work always being second best. That’s constantly the issue here for Alan and his team as they enjoy a night out to accept an award for 2nd place in our beer club’s annual competition. But being on the border of the branch, it’s not an area that I get to very often. I’ve only visited as part of the judging panel and again during their beer festival; and I usually end up having to drive. I know there’s a variety of clubs but I couldn’t say for certain what they are. And if they’re not letting us know what’s on, there’s less of an incentive for me to visit there; especially when I’m not a member or a local resident. In truth, they probably only want me there for my lolla and to spread the good word about what they do there. But if they don’t let me know what’s going on then it’s hard for me to support them.

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