Wednesday 18 April 2018

Waiting for Tryouts

‘Do or do not. There is no try.’ Yoda

‘Who’s the little green fella?’

Yoda sighed. All he wanted to do was to teach the way of the force. If he had to start by teaching the youngest Padawans to be taken seriously, then so be it. But first, he had to get his foot in the door. He’d been sat outside for an hour waiting to be accepted in this human world. If it was on his home world, it’d be a different story. But his planet was destroyed while he was out exploring the galaxy; and he had yet to meet another of his own kind while on his travels. So after using Jedi mind tricks to trick various captains to ferry him across the galaxy, he’d finally arrived on Coruscant. Waiting outside the Grand Master’s Hall to be called in to demonstrate his powers had taken a great deal of patience, not to mention a few enduring glances and stares.

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