Wednesday 4 April 2018

The Courtyard #GC03

‘So are these all your treasured belongings?’
‘That’s right.’
‘Which one’s the heaviest?’
‘Here.’ Lizzie slid a large case full of clothes over. ‘Is it far to the courtyard?’
‘The courtyard? No, it’s in this very building.’ Reuben led her down a corridor and through a set of glass double doors and they were there. The courtyard was divided into quarters, each with its own manicured lawn. In the centre was a fountain trickling slowly.
‘So you’ve chosen to stay in one of the oldest buildings on campus. I hope the ghost doesn’t get you.’
‘The what?’
‘I’m sorry, I’m studying English. I also run a ghost club, where a bunch of people get together to solve made-up murder mysteries.’
‘That sounds fun.’
‘It is. You can come and meet the team on Sunday at the Fresher’s Fayre. And what are you studying?’
Oh, me? I love history.’
‘Well, you’ll have great fun here. There’s plenty of history to explore both in the town and on campus. Now let’s get you settled in. Which one’s yours?’
‘Room 46.’
‘Ah, you’re upstairs. Well, you go ahead and get the door unlocked and I’ll start lugging cases.’
‘Thank you very much.’

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