Friday 6 April 2018

Ready Player One

Speilberg’s latest blockbuster is all about computer games and it’s set in the future. It’s a shame as his own stories are excellent and are usually set in the 1980s, but perhaps he wanted to distance himself from Tron and similar early science fiction films. But what it does do is allow him to reference as many culturally ‘pop’ icons as possible. It’s almost as if someone’s made a bet with him to include all his past works in one future film. There’s probably an avatar wandering around as E.T if you look hard enough. The film gives a great chase at the beginning, but it falls flat towards the end and gets confusing. The outside characters are suddenly conveniently placed to assist each other which somewhat discredits the story. What are the chances of finding someone that you’re looking for when you’re driving around? That said, it’s not to say that it’s not fun. There’s plenty of bangs and explosions to experience as well as some surprising performances from Simon Pegg and the super gay bloke from Will & Grace alongside a love story that just about slides in.

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