Friday 20 April 2018

The Girl Next Door

This film was very unrealistic. In short, it’s just aimed at horny teenagers. Its main star was way too young and immature compared to his peers, who are all constantly jacked-up rioters. There weren’t many comic moments and it took its high school message way too seriously. The only decent run-along joke was the mispronunciation of the Cambodian’s student’s name. Matthew also managed to successfully gain entry into many adult-only venues; portraying anyone in authority as idiotic. The plot at the end was very weak and I couldn’t work out why he was trying to help out everyone; even the producer. I also couldn’t work out why they needed to make a porn at the prom, and that a simple arrest on the producer would restore the money. I often wonder if Eli grew up to be Shia LaBeouf. It would have been even more fun if Danielle had used her house for filming rather than somewhere for a break. And why would an adult star want to go out with a teen? There’s lots of questions here that do not make sense.

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