Sunday 8 April 2018

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is getting to be so slow lately. It’s one of the last programs that wants to start up on my computer. I’ve got no idea if it’s registered my click or not, so often it loads up about three times. Even when I start typing, it has to have a think and not respond, and usually forgets the second half of the sentence that I’m typing. And then there’s the red squigglies. They’re so distracting. And when you know that you’ve made a mistake, it takes ages for the dictionary to load up to find the correct word. It’s much quicker to go back and correct the damn thing yourself. The final thing is the new read aloud function. When you’re typing normally, this function doesn’t appear at all. But as soon as you’ve typed that one mistake, it springs up to tell you that the text is unreadable.

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