Saturday 21 April 2018

The Invitation

It’s great to win an award. But what happen if you’ve got no-one to give the award to? Usually you get one of your co-hosts to accept the award on their behalf. There might be a bit of confusion in the crowd as they don’t recognise the receiver, but it allows you to move things on a bit. But more importantly, what do you do if you can’t be there to accept your award? F It certainly doesn’t do your business any good when your name’s read out and no-one materialises to collect your prize. It suggests that you feel that it’s not important as you’re away attending other things, and people might think that you have the same attitude to running your business too. With a bit of effort you may be able to send your apologies and maybe even an acceptance speech to truly convey your regrets. But to ignore an invitation of honour is very rude indeed.

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