Tuesday 24 April 2018

A Multi-Charger to the Rescue!

Travelling with your gadgets can be such a hassle. Each item needs its own charger, and then you’ve got to worry that there’ll be somewhere to charge them all. If you’re travelling overseas then it’s likely you’ll need an adapter for your destination country too. Suddenly I realised that all my devices charge through a standard USB socket. While some places have started to include USB charging points as standard, I couldn’t guarantee it for the hotels that I would be staying in. So I searched for a USB charger for the USA, and that’s when I came across this clever little beauty. It comes with adapters for Europe, USA, and Australia; and lets you charge six USB devices through one socket. It also lights up bright blue which looks quite cool but can sometimes be distracting at night. I was also worried about it getting it through customs but it went through unscathed.

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