Tuesday 3 April 2018

The Goodbye

And so the day came that we were dreading. It started early with a phone call to say that Dad had been resuscitated but was still unconscious and that it would be cruel to repeat it a second time. We drove to the hospital and parked then I took Mum’s hand and we walked up to the ward together. There were a small group of nurses who took us to a private room and told us that the best thing to happen would be to let him go. Then we held his hand as the nurses slowly started to silence all the equipment. Within half an hour, it was done. The passing had taken place, and the next thing we needed to do was to let the family know. We drove to my aunt’s and I left Mum there while I went to pick up my brother who was having breakfast with his family. Then we set about planning to let everyone else know.

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