Saturday 28 April 2018

The Downfall of Digital Downloads

I’m getting a bit annoyed with digital downloads; in particular with movies. You’d think that because you’re buying the movie through the internet and there’s no physical product to carry you’re saving money as there’s no disc to produce or case. But you’d be wrong. Shops often sell DVDs much cheaper than their online counterparts, and you also get access to extras, bonus features and commentaries that you don’t get through a streaming service. You’re paying to saving the environment and save space in your home; but you’re missing out at the same time. You get less entertainment for more price. In effect, you’re paying a different distributor. But am I missing something here? Is there another feature that you need to download? Or is it part of an impulse ‘I want it now’ culture? Digital retailers need to offer better deals and options if it’s the way forward; otherwise it’s back to plastic for most of us. And that will really piss off the Greenies.

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