Wednesday 11 April 2018

Downton Apple Blossom at Clent Club, Clent

This cosy club is hidden at the back of a road hidden behind the local’s houses. It’s a large brick building found alongside the local allotments, and a dirt track has been extended down the hill to act as a car park.  Inside, a corridor leaves to a large back room, passing a snooker room on the right and a small meeting room on the left. There’s a good cross-mix of both old and young clientele here. The bar is light and airy with lots of room to perch up and view the beers on offer. There’s a large variety of seating as well as a dance floor and a raised platform that acts as a stage. To the left is a large TV which can be quite distracting for the atmosphere of the bar. Outside, there’s a balcony with decking, then the car park slopes downhill to a beer garden at the bottom.

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