I took a walk on the wild side
the other night. I walked on the opposite side of the road from where I live. I
thought that this would give me a new perspective on life, or at least see what
the neighbours were up to. I didn’t learn much. All I saw was that one
neighbour had a twisted pillar in his porch roof made of brick, while the other
had their front garden made smaller than the last time I visited the house.
This was when my school chums used to live in the road. It’s amazing how some
things change and some remain the same. I bet my neighbours don’t even know the
amount of times I’ve been in their houses and yards before they’ve lived there.
It would be interesting to see what changes the new neighbours have made; but
that would involve getting to know them.
Monday, 30 April 2018
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Revolutions Back 2 Life at Bromsgrove Beer Festival 2017
Occasionally in life you’ll get
stuck. You plod along with nowhere to go and get trapped in a routine. Then
suddenly, you’ll have a revolution and you’re able to get back on track. I’m still
trapped in my vicious circle. I’m still waiting for my revolution. I’ve had
family members pass away; I’ve been for interviews several times for promotions
unsuccessfully; and I’m exhausted trying to do anything else. I just need to
find a new source of energy to keep me going to try something new. I’m waiting
for my revolution. If I can just catch up and focus, then maybe I’ll have a
little more time. But the antics of my day job shatters me so often that I don’t
have the energy much to look after myself much less the jobs of anyone else
that needs doing. I have a few weeks off without the home obligations; though I
have to make up for it by fulfilling their chores while they’re away.
Saturday, 28 April 2018
The Downfall of Digital Downloads
getting a bit annoyed with digital downloads; in particular with movies. You’d
think that because you’re buying the movie through the internet and there’s no
physical product to carry you’re saving money as there’s no disc to produce or
case. But you’d be wrong. Shops often sell DVDs much cheaper than their online
counterparts, and you also get access to extras, bonus features and commentaries
that you don’t get through a streaming service. You’re paying to saving the environment
and save space in your home; but you’re missing out at the same time. You get
less entertainment for more price. In effect, you’re paying a different distributor.
But am I missing something here? Is there another feature that you need to
download? Or is it part of an impulse ‘I want it now’ culture? Digital
retailers need to offer better deals and options if it’s the way forward;
otherwise it’s back to plastic for most of us. And that will really piss off
the Greenies.
Friday, 27 April 2018
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
The first half of this book was absolutely great. I really enjoyed exploring Karou’s world and watching it come to life while blending into today’s modern society complete with friends and a modern purpose. The idea that she’s pulled away from her life to complete tasks for the mysterious Brimstone is fantastic and it blends well into her lifestyle. Then just as she’s about to discover everything about her mysterious past as the main antagonist arrives onto the scene; the atmosphere of the whole novel is snatched away as we are fed a backstory of forbidden love between two other beings which takes up the rest of the novel. If Taylor had referenced the current storyline within this backstory; then this would have been an absolutely gripping tale. Perhaps she could have used a plotline in which the characters are trying to achieve a goal between flashbacks. Instead, the reader feels cheated as the first half of the plot is abandoned and we’re forced to buy the second instalment to discover more.
View all my reviews
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Get Smart
I enjoyed this film but it could have
been a lot funnier. The trouble is that the main protagonist was already
portrayed as an intelligent yet inexperienced creature; so dumbing him down for
comical situations should have been out of the question. It would have been
great to see some of the experienced agents in action too. There were some good
gags like stealing the car out of the museum but they could have been stretched
out a lot further. And they could have done a lot more funny scenes with the
faulty steel doors that they use as they enter their headquarters. Agent 99 could
have been developed a bit more. We don’t even learn her name. They must have
had a lot of fun making it, but the comic side isn’t passed onto the audience. The
secret exit from the flight to Russia was very novel, but other than that there’s
little that hasn’t already been done before.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
One for the Pope
So what does the Pope drink? There’s
no doubt that he’s had more than his fair share of communion wine, but does he have
his favourite tipple? Is there a special blend of Christ’s blood that he just
can’t say no to? There’s more than enough beers out there that are
church-themed. And of course, there’s still active monasteries out there that
brew their own beer. I wonder if they send in a barrel every now and again when
their Peter’s Pence bill is due. Or maybe they send in their barrels for a
blessing after a papal tasting. There may even be a secret brewery deep within
the Vatican with its own secret recipe. Perhaps there’s even a minibar within
his chambers. But I doubt his morning assistant will find his room full of
empty beer cans. You wouldn’t want to get fired for having a hangover and
stagger through Mass on Sunday morning.
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
A Multi-Charger to the Rescue!
Travelling with your gadgets can be such a hassle. Each item
needs its own charger, and then you’ve got to worry that there’ll be somewhere
to charge them all. If you’re travelling overseas then it’s likely you’ll need
an adapter for your destination country too. Suddenly I realised that all my
devices charge through a standard USB socket. While some places have started to
include USB charging points as standard, I couldn’t guarantee it for the hotels
that I would be staying in. So I searched for a USB charger for the USA, and
that’s when I came across this clever little beauty. It comes with adapters for
Europe, USA, and Australia; and lets you charge six USB devices through one
socket. It also lights up bright blue which looks quite cool but can sometimes be
distracting at night. I was also worried about it getting it through customs
but it went through unscathed.
Monday, 23 April 2018
Hop Craft Lucifer Juice at Bromsgrove Beer Festival 2017
Lava. When it reaches over 1000°C,
it has the power to melt anything on Earth. Yyet amazingly, our whole planet
floats on top of it. Occasionally, it escapes through a weak point in the earth’s
crust, forming a volcano. It’s as if the beast within is trying to escape. When
lava reaches the earth’s surface it causes devastation, and only the earth’s
water can dissolve it. Occasionally, this lava can emerge in a single spot in
smaller quantities with a much higher concentration of evil, known as Lucifer
Juice. It’s the devil’s cum. This can cause people to act irrationally as they
pass over these spots if they are weak-minded enough. But what if someone lived
there? What if this someone discovered the effects of Lucifer Juice? How would they
get it to spread? How about an underground network of tunnels in a major city? There
could even be a carriage to hell itself…
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Just Eat Local
We tried Just Eat the other day. I wasn’t impressed. Once we’d placed an
order for a couple of kebabs and some onion rings, the restaurant added an
extra ten minutes to the delivery charge. So no tip when they arrived within
their time frame and not the original time promised on Just Eat. The following day we were on the train and decided to
order a pizza for collection. We ordered and paid online but when we got to the
shop we were told that they haven’t started to cook the order yet. We also
noticed that there was a buy one and get one free offer on collection which wasn’t
on the app and we couldn’t change it because we’d already paid. So if you know
the area or can get to the outlet then the best thing to do is to go local and
organise it yourself. And if you can’t get through on the phone then you’re
better off going somewhere else anyway.
Saturday, 21 April 2018
The Invitation
great to win an award. But what happen if you’ve got no-one to give the award
to? Usually you get one of your co-hosts to accept the award on their behalf. There
might be a bit of confusion in the crowd as they don’t recognise the receiver,
but it allows you to move things on a bit. But more importantly, what do you do
if you can’t be there to accept your award? F It certainly doesn’t do your
business any good when your name’s read out and no-one materialises to collect
your prize. It suggests that you feel that it’s not important as you’re away
attending other things, and people might think that you have the same attitude
to running your business too. With a bit of effort you may be able to send your
apologies and maybe even an acceptance speech to truly convey your regrets. But
to ignore an invitation of honour is very rude indeed.
Friday, 20 April 2018
The Girl Next Door
film was very unrealistic. In short, it’s just aimed at horny teenagers. Its
main star was way too young and immature compared to his peers, who are all
constantly jacked-up rioters. There weren’t many comic moments and it took its
high school message way too seriously. The only decent run-along joke was the mispronunciation
of the Cambodian’s student’s name. Matthew also managed to successfully gain
entry into many adult-only venues; portraying anyone in authority as idiotic. The
plot at the end was very weak and I couldn’t work out why he was trying to help
out everyone; even the producer. I also couldn’t work out why they needed to
make a porn at the prom, and that a simple arrest on the producer would restore
the money. I often wonder if Eli grew up to be Shia LaBeouf. It would have been
even more fun if Danielle had used her house for filming rather than somewhere
for a break. And why would an adult star want to go out with a teen? There’s
lots of questions here that do not make sense.
Thursday, 19 April 2018
The Other Doctor and the Girl that Ran Away by Dave Matthews

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book is a bit scarce. Matthews (who maybe should stick to his music) tries to tie in too many characters from other universes and pass them off as his own. There’s also not much of a story as hardly anything gets solved or explained. It just raises more questions to be answered in a later book in the series and it takes the focus away from the book having a standalone adventure. We learn very little about The Other Doctor and his time-travelling companion. These characters seem to be listeners rather than actual characters, as not a lot happens as they spend more time narrating about the past than conversing in the present. That would make sense in a full time-travelling adventure, but not one where the whole story still has a mystery to solve. The book just seemed to be written in a rushed state on the way to the printers without stopping to check for errors. Anyway, now it’s time for me to run away…
View all my reviews
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Waiting for Tryouts
‘Do or do not. There is no try.’ Yoda
‘Who’s the little green fella?’
Yoda sighed. All he wanted to do
was to teach the way of the force. If he had to start by teaching the youngest Padawans
to be taken seriously, then so be it. But first, he had to get his foot in the
door. He’d been sat outside for an hour waiting to be accepted in this human
world. If it was on his home world, it’d be a different story. But his planet
was destroyed while he was out exploring the galaxy; and he had yet to meet
another of his own kind while on his travels. So after using Jedi mind tricks
to trick various captains to ferry him across the galaxy, he’d finally arrived
on Coruscant. Waiting outside the Grand Master’s Hall to be called in to demonstrate
his powers had taken a great deal of patience, not to mention a few enduring
glances and stares.
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Bathams Bitter at the Swan, Chaddesley Corbett
This multi-roomed pub has a twist
of the modern blended in with the past. It’s on the main high street of the
village and its car park is probably one of the busiest areas of the village. The
bar is very traditional and just has a few tables and chairs alongside
barstools and a long perch facing the bar. Two real ales are available; but if
you’re lucky the Christmas beer might be on sale. Then there’s a large high
ceiling lounge with a raised stage area at the rear and two TVs to show live
sport. Two smaller rooms at the left lead to private dining rooms, and all these
are linked in by separate corridors. Finally, there’s a large outdoor beer
garden which overlooks a small brook, and on the other side are perfect views
of the Worcestershire countryside and surrounding hills. The locals are friendly
here, and there’s a large mix of old and young clientele.
Monday, 16 April 2018
Happy as Halfords
I desperately needed an MOT. Somehow,
I’d managed to let it expire by about a week. I’m used to going to the dealer
but it’s getting way too expensive to keep up with what these flash boys want.
My local independent is just up the road but they caused a fault with my Aunt’s
car and it took a while to fix. I looked around for discounts through work but
their garages were all too far away. I settled on Halfords as it was a chain
close to me. After I’d booked online, I pulled in which was a bit of a mean
feat in itself as I’d partly forgotten the way and missed a turn. Fortunately, I
still managed to check in on time for my morning appointment. There was a
dedicated reception with seating and once I’d confirmed what I was booked in
for and signed in I was all set to go. The receptionist nearly forgot to take
the key off me but asked about the log book and wheel nut keys which I keep in
the glove box. So off I went for the rest of the day wandering how soon they’d
phone me. I didn’t want to phone them to interrupt them. I went to the gym, did
some shopping, had a coffee ten walked home but still no phone call. It was
only when I started to walk back to the garage that I remembered that I could
have checked on the DVLA website. Nevertheless, they did the job and gave me the
friendly independent advice that I needed.
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Holden's Black Country Mild at the Weighbridge, Alvechurch
Found on a quiet corner of the
village, the Weighbridge is a gateway to many an adventure. It’s not just a
pub, it’s an embarking point for many people who set off on canal boat
journeys. The pub itself is quite small. It used to be a post office then got
converted into private offices for the boatyard staff before being opened as a
private club and then as a public house. Misleadingly, its entrance is around
the back of the pub, so if you’re arriving by foot from the road then the bar staff
know you’re coming! There’s an outdoor area which offers an extension to the
main pubs for large groups but this area can be changed accordingly. A small
corridor leads inside past the kitchen and into its rooms. There’s a large
lounge to the left and a smaller cosier lounge at the bottom right with a cosy
snug. All this is served by a tiny bar in the corner.
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Black Panther
I didn’t like this film. It was way
too long for an origin story, and it didn’t have the humour that the other
Marvel movies do; apart from the Rhinos charging to the General in the final
group fight scene. The action scenes were blurred as the camera struggled to
keep up; especially with the group fight scenes. It was nice to keep the actors’
accent genuinely African but sometimes this made it difficult to understand
them. I’m not sure about Martin Freeman’s American accent either. I really enjoyed
seeing Klaue as a villain and felt it was a shame that they killed this
character off. The final battle was a bit difficult and I guessed straight away
that we had to wait for three trains to pass through the mine before the battle
reached its conclusion. That said, there were a lot of traditional African
dress and drums. Seeing Forest Whittaker as an advisor was also a nice surprise.
Friday, 13 April 2018
Wye Valley HPA at the Hop Pole, Droitwich
Hop Pole is a lovely merchant’s pub which sits at the end of one of Droitwich’s
oldest streets. As you enter, you come in reach of a corner bar. To the right
is a pool room, while on the left is a variety of small seating by the window surrounding
the fireplace. There’s also an upstairs balcony that offers a more secluded
area. Then there’s one long wooden oak bar which is unsurprisingly decorated
with hops. There’s a small nest by a fruit machine with a small overhead TV for
those who like to keep their eyes on live events. At the end of the bar is the
cosy with plush seating and a piano if it takes your fancy. Little is known
about the upstairs area of the pub. There’s an outside decking area for smoking
followed by a large beer garden which leads out into the street beyond. The pub
serves great value home-cooked lunches during the week.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Virgin mucks up the Media
We’ve been trundling along with
Virgin for a while now. We’ve got the basic broadband, TV and free evening
calls package. And then, just like that, they offer us a free upgrade to the
latest equipment. We get a free TiVo box and upgraded modem that lets them expand
their wireless network. But it’s muggins here that installs it. It arrived in
one impressive switchover kit that would take just an hour to set up. It took
me the whole evening. I called them up to activate the account which was very
quick and easy. Because I was using the same phone that we were subscribed to;
I didn’t need any account numbers. Then the grand unplugging began. The first
snag was when I couldn’t find the cable spanner that lets me disconnect the old
modem. It was hidden deep within the TiVo box and not the modem as the guide
suggested. Once the modem was set up, I had to reconfigure all our wireless
devices to the new signal. Then it was onto the TV. This took a little longer
as it crashed the first time around and it had to start again. But once it was
up and running, there was very little difference other than a new menu. But the
most frustrating part was searching for the remote code to use on the TV, which
was pointless anyway as it doesn’t turn the TV off. But rather than list the
codes with the manufacturer models; it just gave brand names and a list of
suggested codes to try. So apart from that it all works except the modem fails occasionally and the help page doesn't load. That's when we pull the plug. Lucky for them, it comes back on again.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Downton Apple Blossom at Clent Club, Clent
This cosy club is hidden at the
back of a road hidden behind the local’s houses. It’s a large brick building
found alongside the local allotments, and a dirt track has been extended down
the hill to act as a car park. Inside, a
corridor leaves to a large back room, passing a snooker room on the right and a
small meeting room on the left. There’s a good cross-mix of both old and young clientele
here. The bar is light and airy with lots of room to perch up and view the
beers on offer. There’s a large variety of seating as well as a dance floor and
a raised platform that acts as a stage. To the left is a large TV which can be
quite distracting for the atmosphere of the bar. Outside, there’s a balcony
with decking, then the car park slopes downhill to a beer garden at the bottom.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
My Fitbit won't Fit!
I’ve owned a Fitbit for some time
now, and the strap has started to peel away from the screen. At first I thought
this would be covered by the manufacturer’s guarantee; but I missed the window
to get a new one fitted. I bought a shop strap ready to replace it but it
turned out it was the wrong one and the manufacturer doesn’t supply my strap
directly. Then the strap broke completely, and I had to get one off a third
party through Amazon. It arrived complete with a mini screwdriver set but no
instructions. Instead there was a link to a YouTube video. There was a lot of
pausing and fast-forwarding in the video as the demonstrator was struggling
himself. It would have been a lot better with some close-ups shots. I finally
decided that the edges of the unit were too damaged to be re-aligned into the
new strap. At any rate, it was a very tight squeeze.
Monday, 9 April 2018
Wythall is so close to another win
It’s hard work always being
second best. That’s constantly the issue here for Alan and his team as they enjoy a night out to accept an award for 2nd place in our beer club’s
annual competition. But being on the border of the branch, it’s not an area
that I get to very often. I’ve only visited as part of the judging panel and
again during their beer festival; and I usually end up having to drive. I know
there’s a variety of clubs but I couldn’t say for certain what they are. And if
they’re not letting us know what’s on, there’s less of an incentive for me to
visit there; especially when I’m not a member or a local resident. In truth,
they probably only want me there for my lolla and to spread the good word about
what they do there. But if they don’t let me know what’s going on then it’s
hard for me to support them.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is getting to be so
slow lately. It’s one of the last programs that wants to start up on my
computer. I’ve got no idea if it’s registered my click or not, so often it
loads up about three times. Even when I start typing, it has to have a think
and not respond, and usually forgets the second half of the sentence that I’m
typing. And then there’s the red squigglies. They’re so distracting. And when
you know that you’ve made a mistake, it takes ages for the dictionary to load up
to find the correct word. It’s much quicker to go back and correct the damn
thing yourself. The final thing is the new read aloud function. When you’re
typing normally, this function doesn’t appear at all. But as soon as you’ve typed
that one mistake, it springs up to tell you that the text is unreadable.
Saturday, 7 April 2018
Purity Ubu at Aston Fields Social Club
This busy club serves a large
housing district for local people, and as such its car park is confusing. You mount
the kerb and park at a strange angle to get in. Getting into the club itself is
also a bit of a hassle as you have to press the intercom to be admitted. The
club itself has a large long bar with plenty of space for barstools, all of which
are usually occupied by locals waiting for the barman to conjure up pints of Guinness.
The barman is used to this so he takes an order ahead of pouring another, and
he’s got a good memory for keeping up with orders but not necessarily who is
served next. Upstairs is a very large function room with tables, lots of plush
chairs and wall-mounted seating, a stage and a dance floor. There’s also a
kitchen and the club also runs a curry night on Thursdays. Expect lots of
Friday, 6 April 2018
Ready Player One
Speilberg’s latest blockbuster is
all about computer games and it’s set in the future. It’s a shame as his own stories
are excellent and are usually set in the 1980s, but perhaps he wanted to distance
himself from Tron and similar early science fiction films. But what it does do
is allow him to reference as many culturally ‘pop’ icons as possible. It’s
almost as if someone’s made a bet with him to include all his past works in one
future film. There’s probably an avatar wandering around as E.T if you look
hard enough. The film gives a great chase at the beginning, but it falls flat
towards the end and gets confusing. The outside characters are suddenly conveniently
placed to assist each other which somewhat discredits the story. What are the
chances of finding someone that you’re looking for when you’re driving around?
That said, it’s not to say that it’s not fun. There’s plenty of bangs and
explosions to experience as well as some surprising performances from Simon
Pegg and the super gay bloke from Will
& Grace alongside a love story that just about slides in.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Trouble at the Rocklands
The Rocklands has been a social
club since the 1950’s and was originally called the Rooklands because of the
adjacent road. A simple spelling name at the printers gave the club its present
name which has stuck ever since. But now there are rumours to turn the club
into private housing. With its function room and large car park, the club
occupies a fair bit of land. The club itself is being run by a fairly tight
committee who have been known to save the club money as much as possible; so
this is quite a worrying time for the members who invest in its facilities. Many
questions have been asked that haven’t been resolved such as the treatment of
abusive members. All the members want is a meeting to be reassured that the
club is still catering for its members and that there’s no other ownership of
the building. But for all we know, it could be the ramblings of a drunken
lunatic. It certainly sounds like it.
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
The Courtyard #GC03
‘So are these all your treasured belongings?’
‘That’s right.’
‘Which one’s the heaviest?’
‘Here.’ Lizzie slid a large case
full of clothes over. ‘Is it far to the courtyard?’
‘The courtyard? No, it’s in this
very building.’ Reuben led her down a corridor and through a set of glass
double doors and they were there. The courtyard was divided into quarters, each
with its own manicured lawn. In the centre was a fountain trickling slowly.
‘So you’ve chosen to stay in one
of the oldest buildings on campus. I hope the ghost doesn’t get you.’
‘The what?’
‘I’m sorry, I’m studying English.
I also run a ghost club, where a bunch of people get together to solve made-up
murder mysteries.’
‘That sounds fun.’
‘It is. You can come and meet the
team on Sunday at the Fresher’s Fayre. And what are you studying?’
Oh, me? I love history.’
‘Well, you’ll have great fun
here. There’s plenty of history to explore both in the town and on campus. Now
let’s get you settled in. Which one’s yours?’
‘Room 46.’
‘Ah, you’re upstairs. Well, you
go ahead and get the door unlocked and I’ll start lugging cases.’
‘Thank you very much.’
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
The Goodbye
And so the day came that we were
dreading. It started early with a phone call to say that Dad had been resuscitated
but was still unconscious and that it would be cruel to repeat it a second
time. We drove to the hospital and parked then I took Mum’s hand and we walked
up to the ward together. There were a small group of nurses who took us to a
private room and told us that the best thing to happen would be to let him go.
Then we held his hand as the nurses slowly started to silence all the
equipment. Within half an hour, it was done. The passing had taken place, and
the next thing we needed to do was to let the family know. We drove to my aunt’s
and I left Mum there while I went to pick up my brother who was having
breakfast with his family. Then we set about planning to let everyone else
Monday, 2 April 2018
Calendar Man
A long time ago I used Vistaprint
to produce some stickers for a marketing scheme at our beer club’s event. The
stickers arrived a week later than promised. I challenged this with the
company, pointing out the promised delivery date when I first ordered them. The
stickers were in effect useless since the event had been and gone, and so they
gave me a full refund. I’ve since used them to produce personalised photo calendars.
The first calendar was a Christmas present to my mother which had some very
special photos and it also included personalised dates. It worked very well
apart from the top as there’s no hook, only a hole for a pin to go through. The
weight of the calendar doesn’t always hold, maybe it’s the amount of
invitations pinned inside. I’ve ordered a second one for myself which shows beautiful
landscapes of places that I’ve visited. So far, mine’s holding up.
Sunday, 1 April 2018
Charnwood Liska at the Victoria Hotel, Beeston
We’ve been visiting some
Nottinghamshire pubs and we decided to end our tour with a visit to Beeston. It’s
the first stop on the train back home, so we catch an earlier one to visit this
famous pub that’s in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide. The pub backs onto the platform
but we can’t find the way in, so we leave the station via the road and walk the
long way round. It’s only when we leave that we find that the exit through the
rear is via the beer garden. The pub itself is quite busy as there’s a beer
festival and many other people are making their way home the long way round
too. There’s a chalk board above the door with a list of beers alongside a display
of mobile phones nailed through their screens into the wall. Evidently this pub
landlord likes his conversations to be local, as there’s no music either. There’s
a second room full of pub awards and memorabilia, and this room too is full of
diners. We reach the outside beer tent which is a shed with a large marquee and
many picnic tables for us to enjoy our beer.
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