Saturday 17 March 2018

Sole for the Feet

I needed some new soles for my shoes. I’ve got a pair of hiking boots with only one sole intact, I’ve had to pull the other one out and it’s just bare cushion underneath. I also have a pair of work boots with toe protectors, and these soles are fast dissolving into paper. I went to the camping shop but they didn’t have them in my size and they were a bit pricey anyway; so I ordered two pairs off e-Bay. They came quite quickly and were pristine-packaged and were small enough to post through my door. At first they didn’t fit, but on closer examination they had lines which I had to trim down to my actual shoe size. They fit the hiking boots beautifully and had plenty of bouncy support for my heels. They also fitted well on my work boots; though after two days the boots themselves had had it and had to be thrown away. I did manage to get the soles into my new flat shoes; though they didn’t fit as well.

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