Saturday 31 March 2018

A Room in the Dark #dreamdiary51

It’s a new term at university and I’m staying in halls this year. I’ve grown out of going out for drinks in the evening and tend to confine myself to my room, but as it’s a fresh new year I’ve decided to make an exception. I head to the student bar followed by a night out to the club and stay out until closing time and catch up with a lot of people whom I haven’t seen me for ages and invite me to various functions that they’ve organised throughout the term. I stagger back to the halls and find the corridor, but I can’t seem to find my room. There’s no light apart from moonlight and everyone’s trying to make their away around with the light from their mobile phone. I’m on a walkway and I can see the stone brick walls with the room numbers chalked on them, but I can’t make out the doors. I apologise to the people around me commenting that everything looks different in the dark as we shuffle past each other while trying not to fall off the walkway. I ask a friend for help but he refuses, saying that I need to get used to this sort of light if I’m going to go to one of his events.

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