Thursday 1 March 2018


I watched this thriller with my Mum but she often fell asleep so we had to backtrack at times so that she could catch up. This series had drama aplenty at the start with unexplained suicides to hook you in, but some of the investigative episodes had too many conspiracies happening within them and not enough appearances from the afterlife. It’s also more of a why than a who series as the characters try to investigate what caused the deaths. This made the series drag out a bit and made it lose its spooky edge. It also wasn’t clear as to how the protagonist decided to pursue her lines of inquiry; or why she suddenly decided to abandon her partner. It just gave the impression that she’s a spoiled brat who’s used to having her way. The motive behind Hal’s return after his disappearance also isn’t explained properly. Perhaps these are opportunities for plans for a second series.

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