Sunday 25 March 2018

Bus Station Congestion #dreamdiary50

It’s rush hour at the bus station. Me and my friends are sitting in my car trying to get home. I’ve no idea why I suddenly decided to drive through the bus station; perhaps I decided to give my friends a tour. But we’re sitting in a queue of traffic waiting to pull out onto the main road. There’s a very strange man in wire-frame owl glasses who looks like he’s drunk or has a problem with walking. In any case, he’s staggering all over the road as he tries to cross it. Then he turns to us and grins, and suddenly we realise it’s a very drunk woman. There’s a white van that manages to overtake us and pull onto the side of the road further down in front. It looks like he’s getting ready to do some roadworks. Then a green estate reverses horizontally in front of us as it tries to turn around and drive in the wrong direction up the one-way street. And all the time there’s people crossing everywhere. Finally, we get to the road and there’s only two cars in front of us but we’re not moving. I decide to get out and see what the delay is but as I walk to the front I can’t work it out. For a moment I consider getting into a car left unattended and drive away, then I remember that I’d be leaving my friends behind who’d be a bit confused as to why I suddenly decided to commit grand theft auto. Then the traffic begins moving and I must quickly get back to my vehicle before I become the one that’s holding everyone up.

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