Saturday 3 March 2018

Making the Impossible Possible

9. "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

Many people think I’m mad for the things that I do. Like the long walk after the night out; or the trek through the snow just to get to work; then walk another ten miles around the site as part of my daily job before walking back again. But I’m not superhuman. I just know it’s possible. And when you know it’s possible; a task becomes easier. And if you can find someone to help out; it becomes easier still; especially when it comes to hard labour. You just have to ensure that your team members have the same focus and drive as yourself. There’s no way of knowing what is impossible unless you try. And if you don’t achieve your goal; knowing how you failed and what you could have done different to achieve your goal also makes it possible.  And by being impossible, you can lead the way for others to follow.

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