Sunday 4 March 2018


We have an elderly man who lives on his own next door. He’s got himself a giant land rover and two dogs which dominates his life; but he doesn’t do much in the way of gardening or home care. He also owns our fence; and upon this fence is a huge ivy bush that is starting to grow over the fence and through it; and into our side of the garden. The branches are actually causing some of the wood in the fence to split. There’s no way he’s going to maintain it; so, we’ve slowly begun doing it ourselves. Out first attempt was a disaster as Mum made a hole in the fence as she pulled away one of the branches; big enough for his adult Alsatian to stick its snout through. We’re now hacking slowly away at each branch we see in the hope of killing it off; and that one day it all collapses and falls onto his side of the garden.

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