Sunday 11 March 2018

Dude, Where's My Snowmobile? #dreamdiary49

I’ve got a snowmobile and motorbike! I’ve no idea why. I decide to take them both for a test drive down our hill. I give way to a car who turns across me into a side junction then decide that they’re both not for me. I load them both onto a trailer then drive them both to the next town over with the aim of selling them to a friend. I hear a bang and realise that one of motors has come lose. I pull up in a residential area outside some flats that have been converted into offices. I spend some time lining myself up along the curb to ensure that my load isn’t an obstruction to passers-by. When I return to the trailer, the motorbike is nowhere to be seen. A man in a white polo shirt comes out of the building and empties water out of his binoculars into the drain. There’s an airport nearby so plane spotting must be one of his hobbies. There’s a blue bicycle with one wheel parked in the driveway and I come to the conclusion that someone must have chucked the bike into the back of the car while I was parking. I’m too timid to walk round the other side of the office complex to check. I realise that I’ve nothing to show ownership of these items other than the manuals at home.

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