Wednesday 14 March 2018

Pud in a Mug

This simple cake mix in a packet contains all that you need to make a quick delicious cake! I thought I’d give it a try when I saw it on offer for 50p in the supermarket. All you need is a mug, some milk, a spoon, and a microwave. It might like a bit disgusting once you’ve added the milk, but as soon as it’s out of the microwave you’ve got a pudding sitting in your mug. It comes in two flavours; chocolate cake and spotted dick. It would be a bit difficult to serve to guests as a home-made pudding; though I suppose you could use posh microwave-proof glasses once you’ve worked out how much milk to put in to get the consistency right. But I tend to have it as a post-pub snack or a late-night fancy, and it’s more fun in a mug to guess the correct level!

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