Monday 5 March 2018

Ghost Club #GC1

Wherever I’d go, I’d always struggled to fit in. Somehow, no matter how early or how hard I’d try, I’d always be the last person to arrive at an event; or the last person to be considered for an invitation. Most people thought it was because of my surname because most lists run alphabetically. But when it was time for Eliza Young to go to college; I felt the need for change. I’d planned my arrival at Oxbrook College to be one of the first people to arrive at the student halls. But unfortunately, fate intervened.
‘You know, most people arrived yesterday’ said the bursary’s assistant.
‘What do you mean, today’s the first day of enrolment; all the paperwork says the sixth.’
Yes, but because of the snow forecasted for this weekend we decided to open the halls early. Makes it easier for people to arrive before the snow starts to fall.’ She pushed a large silver key towards me.
‘A whole day?’
‘We opened Wednesday. There was a large amount of traffic on the website and we were more or less ready and we had a lot of enquiries from parents. We did send out an e-mail…’
‘I’m not online at home. That’s why I’ve been printing everything out. I’ve had to do all the online registration at my local library.’
‘I see. Would you like me to find someone to show you to your halls?’
‘No thank- actually that would be nice.’
‘Right. Well, just take a seat and I’ll see who I can find. Most of the volunteers worked yesterday.’ She rose and slowly shuffled through the glass door and up the stairs.

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