Thursday 29 March 2018

Live Your Dreams

"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears." -Les Brown

There’s too much emphasis on thinking about what would happen if things went wrong and not enough about what would happen if things went right. There’s too many lawyers out to make a killing from suing someone the moment there’s someone to blame. It puts quite a burden on things and most importantly, stops us from imagining how we want things to be. We’re taught to be prepared to expect that things won’t always go our way. But it takes the focus away from how easy it is to achieve our dreams and builds a wall between what we want to achieve. What we really should be asking ourselves is what can we to tear down the wall to increase our chances of success? What can we do to stop things from going wrong? We can’t control everything, but we can control how we cope with failure and practice so that we have a better chance of achieving our goals next time.

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