Saturday 25 February 2017

A Night at the Nailer's

The venue was cosy enough. We had a table not far away from each other; and we each had our own pot full of sweets. The carvery that the pub put on for us was delicious. After the meal we all went outside while they set the room up for the evening. I only went for a comfort break; but when I returned everyone had vanished along with my pint. That was a huge waste of beer; and when you invest money in these things it's quite frustrating that you have to buy another pint. There was a good disco going on after that; but while the band were setting up I decided to pop round the corner to the Gate Hangs Well. I’d never been there before so it was an excellent chance to have  a quick comfort half. When I got back the band was in full flow and my niece was happy to hit the dance floor. I also made it to the very end where I got a bacon roll as a token of surviving the day’s festivities. 

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