Tuesday 7 February 2017

A Cure for Crazy Katie?

So, who is this mysterious person that has dragged me through all these hedges? Well, in an attempt to get outside more, my friend has decided to join the National Trust so that she’s got a justified excuse for getting out there to see the world some more. And I’m the one to help her do it. So far, I’ve only had to drive her to one location; and I’ve got a free parking sticker to show for it. Not that I’ve ever gotten around to using the parking sticker, it’s just sitting in my glove box. But it was a beautiful day and it was amazing as to how far we’d walked; and she was more game than I was somehow. And this was an achievement in itself; previously she chose to wear high heels when we were doing a pub crawl and were walking from pub to pub. So, is change in the air?

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