Sunday 5 February 2017

Berry Lane

The woodland around Kinver is stunning. Trees and bushes just crowd around you to make a hidden road, and you never know what’s around each corner (unless you’ve been there before). I just love this berry tree with its silver leaves. The berries are large and round, but they’re just too high up to fall to the ground. They’re quite sturdy too. The whole tree is at an angle because of the cliff to the right; but it reminds me of a barrier at a signal crossing. When it’s lowered, you obviously can’t continue down the path, but it’s perfectly safe for the animals and plants to move around the corner without being spotted. The trick is to try and catch the barrier in the act of being raised or lowered. Or the berries could cunningly disguise the whole tree as a missile with tiny grenades attached to it. And the surrounding greenery attached to it could act as its fuse wire.

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