Thursday 23 February 2017

A Half-Hearted Wedding

I went to watch of my cousins get married. I only met him once before when I drove my mother and aunt to their engagement party; during which the groom got absolutely wasted amongst a group of my colleagues which weren’t even present for the service. On the day itself; we trekked out to the local church. I drove my family over and we witnessed the service in a local church. The music all seemed to be out of tune, and the vicar seemed to want to just disappear as soon as the service had finished. While we were posing for photographs, she sat in her car and smoked a cigarette. It was clear that she was just anxious to move on; but the horse-drawn carriage was blocking her car. When we got the go-ahead to head for the reception; I lost all sense of direction because of a long early morning shift at work; so consequently we were the last to arrive at the venue. 

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