Tuesday 28 February 2017

Resident Evil

I love the fear of Resident Evil. Ever since strange creatures ran amok in a mansion, I’ve been hooked on the fear and the gameplay. I’ve never finished the first game and the only other one that I’ve played is the fourth one, but the series are well known for its toughness. Now that I’ve completed the fourth game in easy format; my next mission is to get through the normal setting; followed by the professional setting where I’ll be completely familiar with the environment. Of course, there will probably be many more monsters to kill or even avoid; the whole point of the game is not a shoot-em-up but a horror survival game where you must use strategy to either avoid or use your surroundings to conquer your enemy. I love the build-up of the music; it’s perfect to create tense moments; whether it’s getting past a corridor with a monster waiting to jump on you; or being surrounded by a mob which is purposeful of surrounding and outflanking you.

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