Monday 27 February 2017

The Frolics of the Foley Brothers

Introducing one of the Foley brothers! These guys often accompany us on our beery adventures. They’re two fun-loving lads who work hard during the working week and spend their time exploring the best venues to drink beer across the country; whether it’s at a beer festival or an organised tour. One works for a building firm while the other works in playground maintenance. They live on the outskirts of Birmingham and have a very close family. They love the novelties in life and they love to stand up without fear of embarrassment in what they do. They’re never afraid to speak their mind; and while their opinions aren’t often or intelligent; once you make friends with them they become very loyal and welcoming. They’re always looking to party; whether it’s to celebrate the end of a beer festival or a long day out with a curry; but they also love value aren’t afraid to mock people when they know that they’re being ripped off.

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