Sunday 19 February 2017

Cliff Hanger

It’s time to enter the earth. Deep in these dark holes lies the secret of life. What perils lie for me within? Will there be Polynesian death-traps waiting for me? Is it better for me to crawl through the smallest hole? It offers the best view inside without being spotted myself. I have no hat, but I do have my trusty map. Although my phone only has so much battery life so I’m really hoping that there’ll be a pre-lit torch that I can take down so that I can read it. I’m also assuming that the map is up to date. Perhaps the roots of the very trees that stand above me will be inside. If I pull one, will the whole tree fall over? Perhaps it’ll start an avalanche and seal me inside. Or maybe the bushes behind me will creep over the entrance and prevent my escape. Into the breach.

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