Monday 7 March 2016

The search for a good coffee Spot

One of the disadvantages of working on the go is that it's always hard to stay away from the chain coffee shops. Today gave me an excellent chance to break the habit by visiting a garden centre very close to Broadway tower which offers excellent views of the Vale. With my delivery just around the corner; it seemed the perfect spot today. However, as I approached here was a big sign on the front stating that the tea room was closed owing to a burst water pipe. Not knowing of any other outlets close by, I decided to push on and opt for a cheap cappuccino sachet when I returned. This meant braving the school run and trying to drive around mothers with push chairs who insist on walking down the road despite the large pavement on the other side. And when I knocked on the door of my next customer; I got treated to an ‘oi’ as he told his dog to shut up. As I was early; I decided to retreat safely to the retail park where there's just  enough room to park the van and sit in this Marks and Spencer coffee shop. But it's actually freezing here as it’s a food hall; not a nice place for a winter coffee at all. I do hope the sun will shine soon so I can get to some of these better places.

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