Sunday 20 March 2016

Dream Diary 6

We’re putting on a play and it’s rehearsal time! We’re all on stage in demin overalls carrying clipboards and scripts trying to work out what’s the best pose is for our characters but there’s less than four weeks before we’re due to perform. The conflict begins when we’re short of players and we still have the set to build. Because of time restraints and the lack of volunteers we have to start to think about cancelling the production. We’ve also had to rehearse at a variety of different venues to work around everyone’s schedules; so our practice sessions have often been in confusion as there’s a different layout every time. Is it a subconscious sign that I’ve taken on too much; trying to organise the sheep when they too want to be sharks? Sadly, there’s no simple solution to this problem as I too woke up in confusion. So this week I’m trying to get as organised as possible.

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