Sunday 6 March 2016

Cave Hill Park

It’s frustrating when you see a beautiful lookout point that’s just asking to be conquered; and your travel buddies Cave Hill is a good walk to the summit, but with someone who works on a farm and didn’t even pack a raincoat; it just wasn’t going to happen. It was a sole country lookout over the whole of Belfast, with just a single platform sticking out over a cliff. There’s also caves to explore on the trail, as well as Napoleon’s Nose, which was the inspiration for Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. This was one of the better weather days that we had; but we’d already been rained on our trip up the hill to the castle. It was agony when we walked back down and the sun was still out. A true mockery. Fortunately, it’s not one of the highest point of this fair isle, but it is a beautiful one.

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