Tuesday 22 March 2016

Fresh Roadkill

More and more animals are venturing out into urban areas. It’s that time of year when it gets warmer and the animals are out and about exploring.  Just last week I saw a young deer near a supermarket roundabout, as if it was just finishing its evening shopping and was on its way home. But spotting these animals can cause chaos on the roads. Just last night I had to swerve to avoid a fox, and I beeped my horn to warn the driver behind me. Luckily he managed to stop in time; and I witnessed the fox dancing around in circles in front of the headlights. As he flashed me, I waited for him to pass to make sure everything was OK and I did the right thing; but no honks or rude gestures were made as he passed. Coming back the same way, another fox hadn’t been so lucky, his body laid down in the middle of the road. I just hope it wasn’t the same one. At least the extra roadkill gives the kebab shop owners a chance to stock up.

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