Monday 28 March 2016

HMS Caroline

Holed up in the Belfast Docks is HMS Caroline, a decommissioned Royal Navy cruiser vessel that’s over a hundred years old; though you wouldn’t know by looking at it. It served in World War One in the Orkney islands, and was later used as a training vessel. It’s amazing that to think that the entire fleet used to be commandeered from here; and it just makes you think how the military outgrew it with today’s technology. Arnie can control a whole army from his i-Pad while descending in the lift. It’s preserved in excellent condition, and still floats, but her guns and engines have been removed for use elsewhere in the fleet. The docks do keep her well sheltered, but it’s been reported that she has come loose off her moorings a few times and even drifted into the jetty. Allegedly it is awaiting restoration to celebrate the centenary of the Battle of Jutland, but if that’s the case then someone had better get a move on.

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