Wednesday 30 March 2016

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe

Saturday Night And Sunday MorningSaturday Night And Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sillitoe’s account of a young man’s adventures during his leisure time accurately portrays working class attitudes of work. Arthur Seaton only defines himself as what he does at the weekend; and tunes himself of his working day except when he has to interact with others; of which he does without emotion or prejudice. Seaton is always fighting to survive and never gives in; which brings out his anger quite easily after a few pints when society tries to get in the way of his fun. He tries to be an anti-hero with his immoral and selfish actions; but his employment in a world focused on industrialisation illustrates that there is little care for the individual from a societal point of view. The dialogue in this book makes it a nice easy read and the ending is justified yet unchanging of our hero who is just too set in his ways.

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